Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
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* !BESTLIB.H 360 functions Friday, August 26, 1994
* Definitions for The BESTLibrary v2.31
* Designed for the Large memory model
* Authored independently by George Vanous
* Email any comments, compliments, or suggestions to vanous@helix.net
#if !defined(__BESTLIB_DEF_)
#define __BESTLIB_DEF_
#include <stdio.h> /* necessary for "fil_count" and "fil_count_reg" */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* --------------------------- COLOR CONSTANTS -------------------------- */
#define BLACK 0x0 /* 00 */
#define BLUE 0x1 /* 01 */
#define GREEN 0x2 /* 02 */
#define CYAN 0x3 /* 03 */
#define RED 0x4 /* 04 */
#define MAGENTA 0x5 /* 05 */
#define BROWN 0x6 /* 06 */
#define LIGHTGREY 0x7 /* 07 */
#define DARKGREY 0x8 /* 08 */
#define LIGHTBLUE 0x9 /* 09 */
#define LIGHTGREEN 0xA /* 10 */
#define LIGHTCYAN 0xB /* 11 */
#define LIGHTRED 0xC /* 12 */
#define LIGHTMAGENTA 0xD /* 13 */
#define YELLOW 0xE /* 14 */
#define WHITE 0xF /* 15 */
#define BLINKCHAR 0x8 /* value to add to background color for blinking */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* -------------------------- NUMBER CONSTANTS -------------------------- */
#define ZERO 0x0 /* 00 */
#define ONE 0x1 /* 01 */
#define TWO 0x2 /* 02 */
#define THREE 0x3 /* 03 */
#define FOUR 0x4 /* 04 */
#define FIVE 0x5 /* 05 */
#define SIX 0x6 /* 06 */
#define SEVEN 0x7 /* 07 */
#define EIGHT 0x8 /* 08 */
#define NINE 0x9 /* 09 */
#define TEN 0xA /* 10 */
#define ELEVEN 0xB /* 11 */
#define TWELVE 0xC /* 12 */
#define THIRTEEN 0xD /* 13 */
#define FOURTEEN 0xE /* 14 */
#define FIFTEEN 0xF /* 15 */
#define SIXTEEN 0x10 /* 16 */
#define SEVENTEEN 0x11 /* 17 */
#define EIGHTEEN 0x12 /* 18 */
#define NINETEEN 0x13 /* 19 */
#define TWENTY 0x14 /* 20 */
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* the venerable pi */
#define PIby2 1.57079632679489661923 /* pi / 2 (180 degrees) */
#define PIby4 0.785398163397448309616 /* pi / 4 ( 45 degrees) */
#define E 2.71828182845904523536 /* the venerable e */
#define SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 /* sqrt(2) */
#define bySQRT2 0.707106781186547524401 /* 1 / sqrt(2) */
#define DtoR 0.017453292519943295769 /* convert degrees to radians */
#define RtoD 57.2957795130823208768 /* convert radians to degrees */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ---------------------- GENERAL-PURPOSE CONSTANTS --------------------- */
#define BYTE_MAX 255 /* maximum value taken on by type "byte" */
#define INT_MAX 32767 /* maximum value taken on by type "int" */
#define SHORTINT_MAX 127 /* maximum value taken on by type "shortint" */
#define WORD_MAX 65535L/* maximum value taken on by type "word" */
#define LONGU_MAX 4294967295 /* max value taken on by type "unsigned long" */
#define LONG_MAX 2147483647 /* maximum value taken on by type "long" */
#define CR '\r' /* carriage return character */
#define LF '\n' /* linefeed character */
#define NO -1 /* logical constant */
#define YES +1 /* logical constant */
#define NONE 0 /* logical constant */
#define OFF 0 /* logical constant */
#define ON +1 /* logical constant */
#define BOTH +2 /* logical constant */
#define UNMODIFY +2 /* logical constant */
#define FALSE 0 /* logical constant */
#define TRUE !(FALSE) /* logical constant */
#define BACKWARD -1 /* logical constant */
#define FORWARD +1 /* logical constant */
#define WARM 0x1234 /* warm boot identifier (like ctrl-alt-del) */
#define COLD 0 /* cold boot identifier (like pressing reset) */
#define MAX -1 /* logical constant */
#define MIN -2 /* logical constant */
#define MAXX 640 /* total screen x-length */
#define MAXXHALF 320 /* half screen x-length */
#define MAXMAXX 640 /* total (screen)+(virtual screen) x-length */
#define MAXMAXXHALF 320 /* half (screen)+(virtual screen) x-length */
#define MAXY 480 /* total screen y-height */
#define MAXYHALF 240 /* half screen y-height */
#define MAXMAXY 816 /* total (screen)+(virtual screen) y-height */
#define MAXMAXYHALF 408 /* half (screen)+(virtual screen) y-height */
#define WATCH_MAX 100 /* maximum number of stopwatches */
#define SIGNED -1 /* signed number */
#define UNSIGNED 1 /* unsigned number */
#define TCUR 255 /* text cursor */
#define MCUR 254 /* mouse cursor */
#define MEM 253 /* memory cursor
(coordinates are stored in memory) */
#define TEXTSAVE 0 /* store text video memory */
#define TEXTSHOW 1 /* restore text video memory */
#define TEXT 1 /* text mode */
#define TEXT25 3 /* 25-line text mode */
#define TEXT50 2 /* 50-line text mode */
#define TEXT25F -1 /* forced 25-line text mode */
#define TEXT50F -2 /* forced 50-line text mode */
#define VGA16 18 /* 640x480x16 graphics mode */
#define VGA256 19 /* 320x200x256 graphics mode */
#define TEXTPAGE1 0 /* text video page 1 */
#define TEXTPAGE2 1 /* text video page 2 */
#define TEXTPAGE3 2 /* text video page 3 */
#define TEXTPAGE4 3 /* text video page 4 */
#define TEXTPAGE5 4 /* text video page 5 */
#define TEXTPAGE6 5 /* text video page 6 */
#define TEXTPAGE7 6 /* text video page 7 */
#define TEXTPAGE8 7 /* text video page 8 */
#define TEXTPAGELAST 16 /* last video page: 4 for 50 line, 8 for 25 line */
#define TEXTPAGEACTIVE -1 /* current active text video page */
#define TEXTPAGEVISUAL -2 /* current visual text video page */
#define TEXTIMAGE_OVERHEAD 8 /* byte overhead in "textimagedata"ed objects */
#define TOP 1 /* top (same as up) */
#define UP 1 /* upward direction */
#define LEFT 2 /* leftward direction */
#define RIGHT 4 /* rightward direction */
#define DOWN 8 /* downward direction */
#define BOTTOM 8 /* bottom (same as down) */
#define ALIGN_NONE -1 /* perform no alignment when outputting text */
#define ALIGN_HORZ 0 /* horizontal center, shifting odd length left */
#define ALIGN_VERT 1 /* vertical center, shifting odd length up */
#define ALIGN_CENTER 2 /* horizontal and vertical center */
#define ALIGN_RIGHT 3 /* right justify text */
#define COPY_IMAGE 0x0003 /* hexadecimal code for performing a direct copy */
#define AND_IMAGE 0x0803 /* hexadecimal code for performing a logical AND */
#define OR_IMAGE 0x1003 /* hexadecimal code for performing a locical OR */
#define XOR_IMAGE 0x1803 /* hexadecimal code for doing an eXclusive OR */
#define COPY_IMAGE_SET 0x0013 /* perform a direct copy and set to scroll */
#define AND_IMAGE_SET 0x0813 /* perform a logical AND and set to scroll */
#define OR_IMAGE_SET 0x1013 /* perform a locical OR and set to scroll */
#define XOR_IMAGE_SET 0x1813 /* perform an eXclusive OR and set to scroll */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------ ASCII CODE CONSTANTS ------------------------ */
#define BACKSPACE 0x08 /* backspace keypress */
#define ESC 0x1B /* ESC keypress */
#define SPACE 0x20 /* */
#define QUOTE 0x22 /* " */
#define APOSTROPHE 0x27 /* ' */
#define HYPHEN 0x2D /* - */
#define BLOCK_SOLID 0xDB /* █ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------- SCAN CODE CONSTANTS ------------------------ */
#define SCAN_NONE 0x00 /* 0 */
#define SCAN_ESC 0x01 /* 1 */
#define SCAN_1 0x02 /* 2 */
#define SCAN_2 0x03 /* 3 */
#define SCAN_3 0x04 /* 4 */
#define SCAN_4 0x05 /* 5 */
#define SCAN_5 0x06 /* 6 */
#define SCAN_6 0x07 /* 7 */
#define SCAN_7 0x08 /* 8 */
#define SCAN_8 0x09 /* 9 */
#define SCAN_9 0x0A /* 10 */
#define SCAN_0 0x0B /* 11 */
#define SCAN_HYPHEN 0x0C /* 12 */
#define SCAN_EQUAL 0x0D /* 13 */
#define SCAN_BACKSPACE 0x0E /* 14 */
#define SCAN_TAB 0x0F /* 15 */
#define SCAN_Q 0x10 /* 16 */
#define SCAN_W 0x11 /* 17 */
#define SCAN_E 0x12 /* 18 */
#define SCAN_R 0x13 /* 19 */
#define SCAN_T 0x14 /* 20 */
#define SCAN_Y 0x15 /* 21 */
#define SCAN_U 0x16 /* 22 */
#define SCAN_I 0x17 /* 23 */
#define SCAN_O 0x18 /* 24 */
#define SCAN_P 0x19 /* 25 */
#define SCAN_BRACKET_LEFT 0x1A /* 26 */
#define SCAN_BRACKET_RIGHT 0x1B /* 27 */
#define SCAN_ENTER 0x1C /* 28 */
#define SCAN_CTRL 0x1D /* 29 */
#define SCAN_A 0x1E /* 30 */
#define SCAN_S 0x1F /* 31 */
#define SCAN_D 0x20 /* 32 */
#define SCAN_F 0x21 /* 33 */
#define SCAN_G 0x22 /* 34 */
#define SCAN_H 0x23 /* 35 */
#define SCAN_J 0x24 /* 36 */
#define SCAN_K 0x25 /* 37 */
#define SCAN_L 0x26 /* 38 */
#define SCAN_SEMICOLON 0x27 /* 39 */
#define SCAN_QUOTE 0x28 /* 40 */
#define SCAN_BACKQUOTE 0x29 /* 41 */
#define SCAN_SHIFT_LEFT 0x2A /* 42 */
#define SCAN_BACKSLASH 0x2B /* 43 */
#define SCAN_Z 0x2C /* 44 */
#define SCAN_X 0x2D /* 45 */
#define SCAN_C 0x2E /* 46 */
#define SCAN_V 0x2F /* 47 */
#define SCAN_B 0x30 /* 48 */
#define SCAN_N 0x31 /* 49 */
#define SCAN_M 0x32 /* 50 */
#define SCAN_COMMA 0x33 /* 51 */
#define SCAN_PERIOD 0x34 /* 52 */
#define SCAN_SLASH 0x35 /* 53 */
#define SCAN_SHIFT_RIGHT 0x36 /* 54 */
#define SCAN_KEYPAD_ASTERISK 0x37 /* 55 */
#define SCAN_ALT 0x38 /* 56 */
#define SCAN_SPACE 0x39 /* 57 */
#define SCAN_CAPSLOCK 0x3A /* 58 */
#define SCAN_F1 0x3B /* 59 */
#define SCAN_F2 0x3C /* 60 */
#define SCAN_F3 0x3D /* 61 */
#define SCAN_F4 0x3E /* 62 */
#define SCAN_F5 0x3F /* 63 */
#define SCAN_F6 0x40 /* 64 */
#define SCAN_F7 0x41 /* 65 */
#define SCAN_F8 0x42 /* 66 */
#define SCAN_F9 0x43 /* 67 */
#define SCAN_F10 0x44 /* 68 */
#define SCAN_NUMLOCK 0x45 /* 69 */
#define SCAN_SCROLLOCK 0x46 /* 70 */
#define SCAN_HOME 0x47 /* 71 */
#define SCAN_UP 0x48 /* 72 */
#define SCAN_PGUP 0x49 /* 73 */
#define SCAN_KEYPAD_MINUS 0x4A /* 74 */
#define SCAN_LEFT 0x4B /* 75 */
#define SCAN_KEYPAD_5 0x4C /* 76 */
#define SCAN_RIGHT 0x4D /* 77 */
#define SCAN_KEYPAD_PLUS 0x4E /* 78 */
#define SCAN_END 0x4F /* 79 */
#define SCAN_DOWN 0x50 /* 80 */
#define SCAN_PGDN 0x51 /* 81 */
#define SCAN_INSERT 0x52 /* 82 */
#define SCAN_DELETE 0x53 /* 83 */
#define SCAN_SHIFT_F1 0x54 /* 84 */
#define SCAN_SHIFT_F2 0x55 /* 85 */
#define SCAN_SHIFT_F3 0x56 /* 86 */
#define SCAN_SHIFT_F4 0x57 /* 87 */
#define SCAN_SHIFT_F5 0x58 /* 88 */
#define SCAN_SHIFT_F6 0x59 /* 89 */
#define SCAN_SHIFT_F7 0x5A /* 90 */
#define SCAN_SHIFT_F8 0x5B /* 91 */
#define SCAN_SHIFT_F9 0x5C /* 92 */
#define SCAN_SHIFT_F10 0x5D /* 93 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_F1 0x5E /* 94 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_F2 0x5F /* 95 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_F3 0x60 /* 96 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_F4 0x61 /* 97 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_F5 0x62 /* 98 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_F6 0x63 /* 99 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_F7 0x64 /* 100 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_F8 0x65 /* 101 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_F9 0x66 /* 102 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_F10 0x67 /* 103 */
#define SCAN_ALT_F1 0x68 /* 104 */
#define SCAN_ALT_F2 0x69 /* 105 */
#define SCAN_ALT_F3 0x6A /* 106 */
#define SCAN_ALT_F4 0x6B /* 107 */
#define SCAN_ALT_F5 0x6C /* 108 */
#define SCAN_ALT_F6 0x6D /* 109 */
#define SCAN_ALT_F7 0x6E /* 110 */
#define SCAN_ALT_F8 0x6F /* 111 */
#define SCAN_ALT_F9 0x70 /* 112 */
#define SCAN_ALT_F10 0x71 /* 113 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_PRTSC 0x72 /* 114 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_LEFT 0x73 /* 115 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_RIGHT 0x74 /* 116 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_END 0x75 /* 117 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_PGDN 0x76 /* 118 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_HOME 0x77 /* 119 */
#define SCAN_ALT_1 0x78 /* 120 */
#define SCAN_ALT_2 0x79 /* 121 */
#define SCAN_ALT_3 0x7A /* 122 */
#define SCAN_ALT_4 0x7B /* 123 */
#define SCAN_ALT_5 0x7C /* 124 */
#define SCAN_ALT_6 0x7D /* 125 */
#define SCAN_ALT_7 0x7E /* 126 */
#define SCAN_ALT_8 0x7F /* 127 */
#define SCAN_ALT_9 0x80 /* 128 */
#define SCAN_ALT_0 0x81 /* 129 */
#define SCAN_ALT_HYPHEN 0x82 /* 130 */
#define SCAN_ALT_EQUAL 0x83 /* 131 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_PGUP 0x84 /* 132 */
#define SCAN_F11 0x85 /* 133 */
#define SCAN_F12 0x86 /* 134 */
#define SCAN_SHIFT_F11 0x87 /* 135 */
#define SCAN_SHIFT_F12 0x88 /* 136 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_F11 0x89 /* 137 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_F12 0x8A /* 138 */
#define SCAN_ALT_F11 0x8B /* 139 */
#define SCAN_ALT_F12 0x8C /* 140 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_UP 0x8D /* 141 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_KEYPAD_MINUS 0x8E /* 142 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_KEYPAD_5 0x8F /* 143 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_KEYPAD_PLUS 0x90 /* 144 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_DOWN 0x91 /* 145 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_INS 0x92 /* 146 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_DEL 0x93 /* 147 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_TAB 0x94 /* 148 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_KEYPAD_SLASH 0x95 /* 149 */
#define SCAN_CTRL_KEYPAD_ASTERISK 0x96 /* 150 */
#define SCAN_ALT_HOME 0x97 /* 151 */
#define SCAN_ALT_UP 0x98 /* 152 */
#define SCAN_ALT_PGUP 0x99 /* 153 */
// 0x9A /* 154 */
#define SCAN_ALT_LEFT 0x9B /* 155 */
// 0x9C /* 156 */
#define SCAN_ALT_RIGHT 0x9D /* 157 */
// 0x9E /* 158 */
#define SCAN_ALT_END 0x9F /* 159 */
#define SCAN_ALT_DOWN 0xA0 /* 160 */
#define SCAN_ALT_PGDN 0xA1 /* 161 */
#define SCAN_ALT_INS 0xA2 /* 162 */
#define SCAN_ALT_DEL 0xA3 /* 163 */
#define SCAN_ALT_SLASH 0xA4 /* 164 */
#define SCAN_ALT_TAB 0xA5 /* 165 */
#define SCAN_ALT_ENTER 0xA6 /* 166 */
// 0xA7 /* 167 */
// /* */
#define SCAN_CTRL_ENTER 0xE0 /* 224 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ----------------------- ASCII GRAPHIC CONSTANTS ---------------------- */
#define HOUSE1L 0 /* house #1[left] */
#define HOUSE1R 1 /* house #1[right] */
#define TREE1 2 /* tree #1 */
#define CAR1L 3 /* car #1[left] */
#define CAR1R 4 /* car #2[right] */
#define DINO1L 5 /* dinosaur #1[left] */
#define DINO1R 6 /* dinosaur #1[right] */
#define SHIP1N 7 /* ship #1[N] */
#define SHIP1NE 8 /* ship #1[NE] */
#define SHIP1E 9 /* ship #1[E] */
#define SHIP1SE 10 /* ship #1[SE] */
#define SHIP1S 11 /* ship #1[S] */
#define SHIP1SW 12 /* ship #1[SW] */
#define SHIP1W 13 /* ship #1[W] */
#define SHIP1NW 14 /* ship #1[NW] */
#define BIRD1 15 /* bird #1 */
#define DIAMON1 16 /* diamond #1 */
#define EXPLOS1 17 /* explosion #1 */
#define TOOTHG1 18 /* toothgrin #1 */
#define HOURGL1 19 /* hourglass #1 */
#define METEOR1 20 /* meteor #1 */
#define SPACES1 21 /* spaceship #1 */
#define BIKERL1 22 /* biker #1[left] */
#define BIKERR1 23 /* biker #1[right] */
#define FROWN1 24 /* frown #1 */
#define GRIN1 25 /* grin #1 */
#define LAMP1L 26 /* lamp #1[left] */
#define LAMP1R 27 /* lamp #1[right] */
#define SAILB1L 28 /* sailboat #1[left] */
#define SAILB1R 29 /* sailboat #1[right] */
#define SHARK1L 30 /* shark #1[left] */
#define SHARK1R 31 /* shark #1[right] */
#define TARGET1 32 /* target #1 */
#define TRUCK1L 33 /* truck #1[left] */
#define TRUCK1R 34 /* truck #1[right] */
#define VAN1L 35 /* van #1[left] */
#define VAN1R 36 /* van #1[right] */
#define BALLO11 37 /* balloon #1[1] */
#define BALLO12 38 /* balloon #1[2] */
#define BALLO13 39 /* balloon #1[3] */
#define SUN1 40 /* sun #1 */
#define FIGUR3L 41 /* figure #3[left] */
#define FIGUR3R 42 /* figure #3[right] */
#define FIGUR41 43 /* figure #4[1] */
#define FIGUR42 44 /* figure #4[2] */
#define FIGUR52 45 /* figure #5[2] */
#define FISH1L 46 /* fish #1[left] */
#define FISH1R 47 /* fish #1[right] */
#define FISH2L 48 /* fish #2[left] */
#define FISH2R 49 /* fish #2[right] */
#define PLANE1L 50 /* plane #1[left] */
#define PLANE1R 51 /* plane #1[right] */
#define JET1L 52 /* jet #1[left] */
#define JET1R 53 /* jet #1[right] */
#define TARGET2 54 /* target #2 */
#define BOTTLE1 55 /* bottle #1 */
#define FIGUR1L 56 /* figure #1[left] */
#define FIGUR1R 57 /* figure #1[right] */
#define FIGUR2L 58 /* figure #2[left] */
#define FIGUR2R 59 /* figure #2[right] */
#define FIGUR51 60 /* figure #5[1] */
#define FIGUR6L 61 /* figure #6[left] */
#define FIGUR6R 62 /* figure #6[right] */
#define MOON1L 63 /* moon #1[left] */
#define MOON1R 64 /* moon #1[right] */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ---------------------- ASCII GRAPHIC DEFINITIONS --------------------- */
/* paste this array into the program that uses it
byte codes[] = {
(word)HOUSE1L, 192,126, /* house #1[left] */
(word)HOUSE1R, 193,127, /* house #1[right] */
(word)TREE1 , 194,145, /* tree #1 */
(word)CAR1L , 195,146, /* car #1[left] */
(word)CAR1R , 196,164, /* car #2[right] */
(word)DINO1L , 197,165, /* dinosaur #1[left] */
(word)DINO1R , 198,166, /* dinosaur #1[right] */
(word)SHIP1N , 199,167, /* ship #1[N] */
(word)SHIP1NE, 200,168, /* ship #1[NE] */
(word)SHIP1E , 201,169, /* ship #1[E] */
(word)SHIP1SE, 202,170, /* ship #1[SE] */
(word)SHIP1S , 203,171, /* ship #1[S] */
(word)SHIP1SW, 204,172, /* ship #1[SW] */
(word)SHIP1W , 205,173, /* ship #1[W] */
(word)SHIP1NW, 206,174, /* ship #1[NW] */
(word)BIRD1 , 207,175, /* bird #1 */
(word)DIAMON1, 208,179, /* diamond #1 */
(word)EXPLOS1, 209,180, /* explosion #1 */
(word)TOOTHG1, 210,181, /* toothgrin #1 */
(word)HOURGL1, 211,182, /* hourglass #1 */
(word)METEOR1, 212,183, /* meteor #1 */
(word)SPACES1, 213,184, /* spaceship #1 */
(word)BIKERL1, 214,185, /* biker #1[left] */
(word)BIKERR1, 215,186, /* biker #1[right] */
(word)FROWN1 , 216,187, /* frown #1 */
(word)GRIN1 , 217,188, /* grin #1 */
(word)LAMP1L , 218,189, /* lamp #1[left] */
(word)LAMP1R , 219,190, /* lamp #1[right] */
(word)SAILB1L, 220,191, /* sailboat #1[left] */
(word)SAILB1R, 221,224, /* sailboat #1[right] */
(word)SHARK1L, 222,225, /* shark #1[left] */
(word)SHARK1R, 223,226, /* shark #1[right] */
(word)TARGET1, 192,126, /* target #1 */
(word)TRUCK1L, 193,127, /* truck #1[left] */
(word)TRUCK1R, 194,145, /* truck #1[right] */
(word)VAN1L , 195,146, /* van #1[left] */
(word)VAN1R , 196,164, /* van #1[right] */
(word)BALLO11, 197,165, /* balloon #1[1] */
(word)BALLO12, 198,166, /* balloon #1[2] */
(word)BALLO13, 199,167, /* balloon #1[3] */
(word)SUN1 , 200,168, /* sun #1 */
(word)FIGUR3L, 201,169, /* figure #3[left] */
(word)FIGUR3R, 202,170, /* figure #3[right] */
(word)FIGUR41, 203,171, /* figure #4[1] */
(word)FIGUR42, 204,172, /* figure #4[2] */
(word)FIGUR52, 205,173, /* figure #5[2] */
(word)FISH1L , 206,174, /* fish #1[left] */
(word)FISH1R , 207,175, /* fish #1[right] */
(word)FISH2L , 208,179, /* fish #2[left] */
(word)FISH2R , 209,180, /* fish #2[right] */
(word)PLANE1L, 210,181, /* plane #1[left] */
(word)PLANE1R, 211,182, /* plane #1[right] */
(word)JET1L , 212,183, /* jet #1[left] */
(word)JET1R , 213,184, /* jet #1[right] */
(word)TARGET2, 255, /* target #2 */
(word)BOTTLE1, 254, /* bottle #1 */
(word)FIGUR1L, 253, /* figure #1[left] */
(word)FIGUR1R, 252, /* figure #1[right] */
(word)FIGUR2L, 251, /* figure #2[left] */
(word)FIGUR2R, 250, /* figure #2[right] */
(word)FIGUR51, 249, /* figure #5[1] */
(word)FIGUR6L, 248, /* figure #6[left] */
(word)FIGUR6R, 247, /* figure #6[right] */
(word)MOON1L , 246, /* moon #1[left] */
(word)MOON1R , 245 /* moon #1[right] */
}; */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------ MESSAGES ------------------------------ */
#define DASHES printf("\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
#define DISTRIBUTE printf("\n------------------------- DISTRIBUTION IS ENCOURAGED -------------------------")
#define DOUBLESPACE printf("\n\n")
#define SINGLESPACE printf("\n")
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------- MACROS ------------------------------- */
#define ischar(ch) (((ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || ch == APOSTROPHE || ch == HYPHEN) ? TRUE : FALSE)
/* RETURNS: TRUE if 'ch' is a valid character used in words
FALSE if 'ch' is not a valid character used in words */
/* absolute value of a */
#define ABS(a) (((a)<0) ? -(a) : (a))
/* round a to nearest integer towards 0 */
#define FLOOR(a) ((a)>0 ? (int)(a) : -(int)(-a))
/* round a to nearest integer away from 0 */
#define CEILING(a) ( (a) == (int)(a) ? (a) \
: (a) > 0 ? 1+(int)(a) : -( 1+(int)(-a) ))
/* round a to nearest int */
#define ROUND(a) (((a) > 0) ? (int)(a+0.5) : -(int)(0.5-a))
/* take sign of a, either -1, 0, or 1 */
#define ZSGN(a) (((a) < 0) ? -1 : (a) > 0 ? 1 : 0)
/* take binary sign of a, either -1, or 1 if >= 0 */
#define SGN(a) (((a) < 0) ? -1 : 1)
/* shout if something that should be true isn't */
#define ASSERT(x) if (!(x)) fprintf(stderr," Assert failed: x\n");
/* square a */
#define SQR(a) ((a)*(a))
/* return minimum of a and b */
#define MINIMUM(a,b) ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
/* return maximum of a and b */
#define MAXIMUM(a,b) ( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
/* swap a and b (see Gem by Wyvill) */
#define SWAP(a,b) { a^=b; b^=a; a^=b; }
/* linear interpolation from l (when a=0) to h (when a=1) */
/* (equal to (a*h) + ( (1-a) * l) */
#define LERP(a,l,h) ( (l) + (((h)-(l)) * (a)) )
/* clamp the input to the specified range */
#define CLAMP(v,l,h) ( (v) < (l) ? (l) : (v) > (h) ? (h) : v)
/* create a new instance of a structure (see Gem by Hultquist) */
#define NEWSTRUCT(x) (struct x *) (malloc( (unsigned)sizeof(struct x) ))
/* create a new instance of a type */
#define NEWTYPE(x) (x *) (malloc( (unsigned)sizeof(x) ))
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* -------------------------- TYPE DEFINITIONS -------------------------- */
typedef unsigned char boolean; /* TRUE or FALSE type as in Pascal */
typedef boolean flag; /* flag data type */
typedef unsigned char byte; /* (0-255) type as in Pascal */
typedef signed char shortint; /* (-128 to +127) type as in Pascal */
typedef unsigned int word; /* (0-65535) type as in Pascal */
typedef struct {
char ascii; /* ASCII code of character pressed */
byte scan; /* SCAN code of character pressed */
} asciiscan;
typedef struct {
byte y; /* ordinate */
byte x; /* abscissa */
byte start; /* starting scan line */
byte end; /* ending scan line */
boolean on; /* TRUE if text cursor is on, FALSE if it is not on */
} cursordata;
typedef struct document_def {
char *line; /* pointer to a line of the document */
struct document_def *prev; /* pointer to previous line */
struct document_def *next; /* pointer to next line */
} document;
typedef struct {
shortint fgclr; /* foreground color or NO if no color fill */
shortint bgclr; /* background color or NO if no color fill */
char fillchar; /* character to fill with or NO if no character fill */
byte x; /* abscissa (if TCUR, uses text cursor abscissa
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor abscissa) */
byte y; /* ordinate (if TCUR, uses text cursor ordinate
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor ordinate) */
shortint length; /* x-length */
shortint height; /* y-height */
char *overwrite; /* text to overwrite or NULL if overwrite all */
char *text; /* text to print or NULL if no text */
} filldata;
typedef struct {
word size; /* size of image in bytes */
byte tclr; /* transparency color of image
* or number of 8-pixel groups per row if image is "_16_i_save"ed */
int x; /* abscissa (if MCUR, uses mouse abscissa) */
int y; /* abscissa (if MCUR, uses mouse ordinate) */
int length; /* x-length (do not modify) */
int height; /* y-height (do not modify) */
int how : 1; /* relative to current scroll (TRUE) or not (FALSE) */
int for_future : 15; /* no current purpose other than filling the integer */
} imagedata;
typedef struct linked_list {
struct linked_list *next; /* pointer to next node */
} llist;
typedef struct linked_list_s {
struct linked_list_s *next; /* pointer to next node */
} llist_single;
typedef struct linked_list_d {
struct linked_list_d *prev; /* pointer to previous node */
struct linked_list_d *next; /* pointer to next node */
} llist_double;
typedef struct {
byte update; /* TRUE "ms_stat" has updated structure "mousedata" */
/* FALSE no structure variables have been updated */
int pos[2]; /* old mouse cursor x,y position */
int buts[2]; /* old left,right button 0 not pressed 1 pressed */
int npos[2]; /* new mouse cursor x,y position */
int nbuts[2]; /* new left,right button 0 not pressed 1 pressed */
int butlr[2]; /* x,y position of last left button release */
int butlp[2]; /* x,y position of last left button press */
int butrr[2]; /* x,y position of last right button release */
int butrp[2]; /* x,y position of last right button press */
} mousedata;
typedef struct {
shortint fgclr; /* foreground color or NO if no color fill */
shortint bgclr; /* background color or NO if no color fill */
byte command; /* ALIGN_NONE - no command
* ALIGN_HORZ - horizontal center; shifts odd lengths left
* ALIGN_VERT - vertical center; shifts odd lengths up
* ALIGN_CENTER - horizontal and vertical center
* ALIGN_RIGHT - right justify; flush to right margin */
byte x; /* abscissa (if TCUR, uses text cursor abscissa
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor abscissa) */
byte y; /* ordinate (if TCUR, uses text cursor ordinate
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor ordinate) */
char *text; /* text to print */
} printdata;
typedef struct {
word size; /* size of image in bytes */
shortint fgclr; /* NO if no color fill */
shortint bgclr; /* NO if no color fill */
byte x; /* abscissa (if TCUR, uses text cursor abscissa
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor abscissa) */
byte y; /* ordinate (if TCUR, uses text cursor ordinate
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor ordinate) */
byte length; /* x-length (do not modify) */
byte height; /* y-height (do not modify) */
} textimagedata;
typedef struct {
shortint fgclr; /* foreground color or NO if no color fill */
shortint bgclr; /* background color or NO if no color fill */
byte x; /* abscissa (if TCUR, uses text cursor abscissa
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor abscissa) */
byte y; /* ordinate (if TCUR, uses text cursor ordinate
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor ordinate) */
} textstr;
typedef struct {
byte fgclr, bgclr, /* color of text inside window */
x, y, /* top,left coordinates of window */
length, height, /* length and height of window */
parts, /* window parts to use */
shadow_style, /* shadow style */
border_fgclr, border_bgclr, /* color of border */
shadow_fgclr, shadow_bgclr, /* color of shadow */
title_fgclr, title_bgclr; /* color of title */
char *border, /* border characters */
*shadow, /* shadow characters */
*title; /* window title */
document *text; /* pointer to text of window */
} windowdata;
/* Valid shadow styles are any combination of directions, like BOTTOM+RIGHT */
#define CLOSE 1 /* close window button */
#define ZOOM 2 /* zoom window button */
#define RESIZE 4 /* resize window button */
#define HORIZ_SCROLL 8 /* horizontal scroll bar */
#define VERT_SCROLL 16 /* vertical scroll bar */
#define COORDS 32 /* display cursor coordinates */
#define SINGLE "
#define SINGLE_SIDE "
#define SINGLE_TOP "
#define DOUBLE "
#define DOUBLE_SIDE "
#define DOUBLE_TOP "
typedef struct point2_struct { /* 2d point */
double x, y;
} point2;
typedef point2 vector2;
typedef struct point2_int_struct { /* 2d integer point */
int x, y;
} point2_int;
typedef struct matrix3_struct { /* 3-by-3 matrix */
double element[3][3];
} matrix3;
typedef struct box2d_struct { /* 2d box */
point2 min, max;
} box2;
typedef struct point3_struct { /* 3d point */
double x, y, z;
} point3;
typedef point3 vector3;
typedef struct point3_int_struct { /* 3d integer point */
int x, y, z;
} point3_int;
typedef struct matrix4_struct { /* 4-by-4 matrix */
double element[4][4];
} matrix4;
typedef struct box3d_struct { /* 3d box */
point3 min, max;
} box3;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* --------------------- GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS -------------------- */
volatile extern boolean blink; /* default is TRUE */
/* blink = TRUE if blinking characters and 8 background colors
else blink = FALSE if no blinking characters and 16 background colors */
volatile extern boolean mousepresent; /* default is FALSE */
/* mousepresent = TRUE if mouse is detected by function "ms_init"
else mousepresent = FALSE if mouse is not found by function "ms_init" */
volatile extern word chr_output; /* default is MAX */
/* chr_output = maximum number of characters to print with any output
subroutine (useful for windowing text)
= MAX for no limit on the number of characters to print */
volatile extern boolean txt_cur_move; /* default is TRUE */
/* txt_cur_move = TRUE if text cursor will move if x = y = TCUR
else txt_cur_move = FALSE if text cursor will not move if x = y = TCUR */
volatile extern word txt_length; /* default is 80 */
/* character length of virtual text screen (used when smooth scrolling) */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ---------------------- FILE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------- */
FILE *fil_count(char *filename,
char *title, char *author, char *msgs[], word msg_num);
/* opens text data file "filename" and records number of program executions
* uses program name "title" and author name "author"
* must be in a text mode or nothing will print
* prints one random comment from "msgs", holding "msg_num" messages
* prints amount of memory available to program
* NOTE #include <alloc.h> must be present or free memory will be inaccurate
* RETURNS: file handle to data file */
FILE *fil_count_reg(char *filename, char *title,
char *author, char *registree);
/* counter registered
* opens text data file "filename" and records number of program executions
* uses program name "title" and author name "author"
* must be in a text mode or nothing will print
* prints to whom the program is registered to
* prints amount of memory available to program
* NOTE #include <alloc.h> must be present or free memory will be inaccurate
* RETURNS: file handle to data file */
long fil_len(FILE *f);
/* RETURNS: byte length of file "f" */
char *fil_next_str(word *size, FILE *f);
/* read next string from file position "f" (a string can consist of
alphanumeric characters, hyphens, apostrophes, or text surrounded in
quotes, like "It is: 04/12/94" -- nothing else)
* initially allocates an input buffer of "size" bytes -- if needs more,
allocates "size" more bytes, and so on (modifies "size")
* RETURNS: pointer to next string (file pointer is set to byte following
* NULL if no string was found (file pointer is set to EOF) */
char *fil_next_word(word *size, FILE *f);
/* read next word from file position "f" (a word can consist of alphabet
letters, hyphens, or apostrophes) -- nothing else
* initially allocates an input buffer of "size" bytes -- if needs more,
allocates "size" more bytes, and so on (modifies "size")
* RETURNS: pointer to next word (file pointer is set to byte following word)
* NULL if no word was found (file pointer is set to EOF) */
char *fil_read_to(char *str, word *size, FILE *f);
/* read from file position "f" upto first occurrence of "str"
* initially allocates an input buffer of "size" bytes -- if needs more,
allocates "size" more bytes, and so on (modifies "size")
* RETURNS: pointer to contents of file read in (file pointer is set to byte
just beyond match
* NULL if no match was found (file pointer is set to EOF) */
char *fil_read_to_strip(char *str, word *size, FILE *f);
/* read from file position "f" upto first occurrence of "str"
* initially allocates an input buffer of "size" bytes -- if needs more,
allocates "size" more bytes, and so on (modifies "size")
* all comments (beginning with a ';'), blank lines, and extra spaces are
stripped, and '=' are moved directly adjacent to text to conserve memory.
* for example, the following passage:
This is "not; [I] = say" ;he said
[not ["I"] say]
to = this.
This is "not; [I] = say"
[not ["I"] say]
NOTE - text inside quotation marks (ie. string) is unaltered (and '[' ']'
are also considered to be quotation marks)
* RETURNS: pointer to contents of file read in (file pointer is set to byte
just beyond match
* NULL if no match was found (file pointer is set to EOF) */
word fil_skip_past(char *str, FILE *f);
/* Search file "f" for "str" and set file pointer to just past it (or to EOF
if no match found).
* RETURNS: number of bytes scanned upto (and including) last byte of match
* FALSE if no match was found */
word fil_skip_to(char *str, FILE *f);
/* Search file "f" for "str" and set file pointer to beginning of it (or to
EOF if no match found).
* RETURNS: number of bytes scanned upto (and including) first byte of match
* FALSE if no match was found */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* -------------------- INI FILE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES -------------------- */
boolean ini_get_boolean(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
/* read parameter from text "section", title, "section_title", option "option"
byte ini_get_color(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
/* read parameter from text "section", title, "section_title", option "option"
* valid colors are "BLACK", "BLUE", "GREEN", "CYAN", "RED", "MAGENTA",
* RETURNS: color */
int ini_get_number(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
/* reads from .INI text "section", "section_title"
* RETURNS: number */
int ini_get_position(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
/* read parameter from text "section", title, "section_title", option "option"
* valid screen positions are "TOP", "BOTTOM"
* RETURNS: screen row number */
int ini_get_rows(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
/* read parameter from text "section", title, "section_title", option "option"
* valid rows-per-screen are "25", "50", "UNMODIFY"
* RETURNS: rows-per-screen */
byte ini_get_state(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
/* read parameter from text "section", title, "section_title", option "option"
* valid keyboard states are "ON", "OFF", "UNMODIFY"
* RETURNS: 0 if "OFF"
1 if "ON"
2 if "UNMODIFY" */
char *ini_get_text(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
/* read parameter from text "section", title, "section_title", option "option"
* valid text must be enclosed within quotes
* RETURNS: text string */
boolean ini_get_yesno(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
/* reads from .INI text "section", "section_title"
* valid responses are "YES", "NO"
FALSE if "NO" */
char *ini_read_section(char *str1, char *str2, FILE *f);
/* reads in relevant text from .INI file handle "f", beginning at "str1"
and ending at "str2"
* see "fil_read_to_strip" to see what is stripped and what is kept
* RETURNS: relevant section text */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* -------------------- KEYBOARD FUNCTION PROTOTYPES -------------------- */
char getchr(void);
/* gets next available keypress; if no keypress available, waits for one
* ASCII code and scan code is returned in structure "asciiscan"
* RETURNS: ASCII code */
char getchre(byte x, byte y);
/* gets next available keypress and echoes it to "x","y"; if no keypress
available, waits for one
* ASCII code and scan code is returned in structure "asciiscan"
* RETURNS: ASCII code */
char kbd_clear(void);
/* clears keyboard buffer
* RETURNS: ASCII code of last character that was in buffer */
void kbd_give(void);
/* gives control back to original keyboard intterupt */
void kbd_rate(byte rate, byte delay);
/* set typematic "rate" and typematic "delay" for repeat-key action
| 0 | 250 |
| 1 | 500 |
| 2 | 750 |
| 3 | 1000 |
+----+---------+ +----+---------+ +----+---------+ +----+---------+
|rate|chars/sec| |rate|chars/sec| |rate|chars/sec| |rate|chars/sec|
+----+---------+ +----+---------+ +----+---------+ +----+---------+
| 0 | 30.0 | | 8 | 15.0 | | 16 | 7.5 | | 24 | 3.7 |
| 1 | 26.7 | | 9 | 13.3 | | 17 | 6.7 | | 25 | 3.3 |
| 2 | 24.0 | | 10 | 12.0 | | 18 | 6.0 | | 26 | 3.0 |
| 3 | 21.8 | | 11 | 10.9 | | 19 | 5.5 | | 27 | 2.7 |
| 4 | 20.0 | | 12 | 10.0 | | 20 | 5.0 | | 28 | 2.5 |
| 5 | 18.5 | | 13 | 9.2 | | 21 | 4.6 | | 29 | 2.3 |
| 6 | 17.1 | | 14 | 8.6 | | 22 | 4.3 | | 30 | 2.1 |
| 7 | 16.0 | | 15 | 8.0 | | 23 | 4.0 | | 31 | 2.0 |
+----+---------+ +----+---------+ +----+---------+ +----+---------+ */
void kbd_status_load(void);
/* restores saved keyboard status of insert, caps/num/scroll lock */
void kbd_status_save(void);
/* saves current keyboard status of insert, caps/num/scroll lock */
void kbd_take(void);
/* takes control of the keyboard interrupt */
void kbd_all_off(void);
/* turns all three lights off (NUM LOCK, CAPS LOCK, and SCROLL LOCK) */
void kbd_all_on(void);
/* turns all three lights on (NUM LOCK, CAPS LOCK, and SCROLL LOCK) */
void kbd_caps_off(void); /* turns CAPS LOCK light off */
void kbd_caps_on(void); /* turns CAPS LOCK light on */
char kbd_hit(void);
/* RETURNS: ASCII value of key if a key is ready to be retrieved
(by getchr/getchre)
0 if no key has been pressed */
void kbd_insert_off(void); /* turns INSERT on */
void kbd_insert_on(void); /* turns INSERT off */
boolean kbd_is_all_on(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if all light on, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_alt(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if either alt is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_alt_left(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if left alt is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_alt_left_only(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if only left alt is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_alt_right(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if right alt is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_alt_right_only(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if only right alt is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_alt_only(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if only an alt is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_caps_on(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if CAPS LOCK light on, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_ctrl(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if either ctrl is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_ctrl_left(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if left ctrl is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_ctrl_left_only(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if only left ctrl is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_ctrl_right(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if right ctrl is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_ctrl_right_only(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if only right ctrl is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_ctrl_only(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if only a ctrl is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_insert_on(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if INSERT is on, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_num_on(void);
/* RETURNS:TRUE if NUM LOCK light on, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_scroll_on(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if SCROLL LOCK light on, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_shift(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if either shift is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_shift_left(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if left shift is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_shift_left_only(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if only left shift is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_shift_right(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if right shift is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_shift_right_only(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if only right shift is depressed, FALSE if not */
boolean kbd_is_shift_only(void);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if a shift is depressed, FALSE if not */
void kbd_num_off(void); /* turns NUM LOCK light off */
void kbd_num_on(void); /* turns NUM LOCK light on */
void kbd_scroll_off(void); /* turns SCROLL LOCK light off */
void kbd_scroll_on(void); /* turns SCROLL LOCK light on */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------- LINKED LIST FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ------------------ */
llist *lst_find(llist *node, llist *list);
/* RETURNS: "node" of linked "list"
NULL if "node" not present in linked "list" */
llist_double *lst_free_double(llist_double *list);
/* deallocate a doubly-linked "list"
llist_single *lst_free_single(llist_single *list);
/* deallocate a singly-linked "list"
llist *lst_tail(llist *list);
/* RETURNS: tail of linked "list" */
/*llist_double *lst_unlink_double(llist_double **head, llist_double *unlink);
* unlink "unlink" from doubly linked list who's head is pointed to by "head"
* RETURNS: next available node
* NULL if linked list is empty */
/*llist_single *lst_unlink_single(llist_single **head, llist_single *unlink);
* unlink "unlink" from singly linked list who's head is pointed to by "head"
* RETURNS: next available node
* NULL if linked list is empty */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------ MATHEMATICAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ------------------ */
double mth_findroot(double left, double right,
double tolerance, double (*f)(), double (*df)());
/* hybrid 1d Newton-Raphson/Regula Falsi root finder
* input function f and its derivative df, an interval
* left, right known to contain the root, and an error tolerance
* Based on Blinn */
int mth_gcd(int u, int v);
/* binary greatest common divisor by Silver and Terzian. See Knuth
* both inputs must be >= 0 */
byte max_byte(word nums, byte num1, ...);
/* RETURNS: greatest byte of a list of bytes */
int max_int(word nums, int num1, ...);
/* RETURNS: greatest integer of a list of integers */
shortint max_shortint(word nums, shortint num1, ...);
/* RETURNS: greatest integer of a list of short integers */
word max_word(word nums, word num1, ...);
/* RETURNS: greatest word of a list of words */
byte min_byte(word nums, byte num1, ...);
/* RETURNS: smallest byte of a list of bytes */
int min_int(word nums, int num1, ...);
/* RETURNS: smallest integers of a list of integers */
shortint min_shortint(word nums, shortint num1, ...);
/* RETURNS: smallest short integer of a list of short integers */
word min_word(word nums, word num1, ...);
/* RETURNS: smallest word of a list of words */
double mth_newtonraphson(double (*f)(), double (*df)(), double x);
/* generic 1d Newton-Raphson step. f is function, df is derivative
* x is current best guess for root location. Returns new estimate */
int mth_roots_quadratic(double a, double b, double c, double *roots);
/* return roots of a*x^2 + b*x + c
* stable algebra derived from Numerical Recipes by Press et al */
double mth_regulafalsi(double (*f)(), double left, double right);
/* generic 1d regula-falsi step. f is function to evaluate
* interval known to contain root is given in left, right
* returns new estimate */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* --------------- MATHEMATICAL MATRIX FUNCTION PROTOTYPES -------------- */
matrix3 *m3_add(matrix3 *A, matrix3 *B, matrix3 *C);
/* C = A + B
matrix3 *m3_copy(matrix3 *A);
/* RETURNS: copy of A */
matrix3 *m3_mul(matrix3 *A, matrix3 *B, matrix3 *C);
/* C = A * B
matrix3 *m3_new(double *a[3][3]);
/* RETURNS: new 3x3 matrix initialized to a[3][3] */
matrix3 *m3_sub(matrix3 *A, matrix3 *B, matrix3 *C);
/* C = A - B
matrix3 *m3_transpose(matrix3 *A, matrix3 *B);
/* B = transpose(A)
matrix4 *m4_add(matrix4 *A, matrix4 *B, matrix4 *C);
/* C = A + B
matrix4 *m4_copy(matrix4 *A);
/* RETURNS: copy of A */
matrix4 *m4_mul(matrix4 *A, matrix4 *B, matrix4 *C);
/* C = A * B
matrix4 *m4_new(double *a[4][4]);
/* RETURNS: new 4x4 matrix initialized to a[4][4] */
matrix4 *m4_sub(matrix4 *A, matrix4 *B, matrix4 *C);
/* C = A - B
matrix4 *m4_transpose(matrix4 *A, matrix4 *B);
/* B = transpose(A)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* --------------- MATHEMATICAL VECTOR FUNCTION PROTOTYPES -------------- */
vector2 *v2_add(vector2 *u, vector2 *v, vector2 *w);
/* w = u + v
* RETURNS: w */
vector2 *v2_combine(vector2 *u, double c1,
vector2 *v, double c2, vector2 *w);
/* w = c1(u) + c2(v)
* RETURNS: w */
vector2 *v2_copy(vector2 *v);
/* RETURNS: copy of u */
double v2_dot(vector2 *u, vector2 *v);
/* w = u dot v
* RETURNS: w */
double v2_len(vector2 *v);
/* RETURNS: magnitude of v */
double v2_len_sqr(vector2 *v);
/* RETURNS: magnitude of v squared */
vector2 *v2_lerp(vector2 *lo, vector2 *hi, double alpha, vector2 *w);
/* w = linear interpolation between lo and hi by amount alpha
* RETURNS: w */
vector2 *v2_mul(vector2 *u, vector2 *v, vector2 *w);
/* w = u * v (multiplication component-wise)
* RETURNS: w */
point2 *v2_mul_by_proj(point2 *p, matrix3 *A);
/* RETURNS: transformed point p * projection matrix m */
vector2 *v2_neg(vector2 *v);
/* v is negated
* RETURNS: v */
vector2 *v2_new(double x, double y);
/* RETURNS: new 2D vector initialized to (x,y) */
vector2 *v2_norm(vector2 *v);
/* v is normalized (becomes unit length)
* RETURNS: v */
vector2 *v2_ortho(vector2 *u, vector2 *v);
/* u = some orthogonal vector to v
* RETURNS: u */
vector2 *v2_scale(vector2 *v, double newlen);
/* v is scaled to length newlen
* RETURNS: v */
double v2_seg_len(point2 *p, point2 *q);
/* RETURNS: length of line segment pq */
vector2 *v2_sub(vector2 *u, vector2 *v, vector2 *w);
/* w = u - v
* RETURNS: w */
vector3 *v3_add(vector3 *u, vector3 *v, vector3 *w);
/* w = u + v
* RETURNS: w */
vector3 *v3_combine(vector3 *u, double c1,
vector3 *v, double c2, vector3 *w);
/* w = c1(u) + c2(v)
* RETURNS: w */
vector3 *v3_copy(vector3 *v);
/* RETURNS: copy of u */
vector3 *v3_cross(vector3 *u, vector3 *v, vector3 *w);
/* w = u cross v
* RETURNS: w */
double v3_dot(vector3 *u, vector3 *v);
/* w = u dot v
* RETURNS: w */
double v3_len(vector3 *v);
/* RETURNS: magnitude of v */
double v3_len_sqr(vector3 *v);
/* RETURNS: magnitude of v squared */
vector3 *v3_lerp(vector3 *lo, vector3 *hi, double alpha, vector3 *w);
/* w = linear interpolation between lo and hi by amount alpha
* RETURNS: w */
vector3 *v3_mul(vector3 *u, vector3 *v, vector3 *w);
/* w = u * v (multiplication component-wise)
* RETURNS: w */
point3 *v3_mul_by_matrix(point3 *p, matrix3 *A, point3 *q);
/* q = p * A
* RETURNS: transformed point q */
point3 *v3_mul_by_proj(point3 *p, matrix4 *A);
/* RETURNS: transformed point p * projection matrix A */
vector3 *v3_neg(vector3 *v);
/* v is negated
* RETURNS: v */
vector3 *v3_new(double x, double y, double z);
/* RETURNS: new 3D vector initialized to (x,y,z) */
vector3 *v3_norm(vector3 *v);
/* v is normalized (becomes unit length)
* RETURNS: v */
vector3 *v3_scale(vector3 *v, double newlen);
/* v is scaled to length newlen
* RETURNS: v */
double v3_seg_len(point3 *p, point3 *q);
/* RETURNS: length of line segment pq */
vector3 *v3_sub(vector3 *u, vector3 *v, vector3 *w);
/* w = u - v
* RETURNS: w */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------ MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------------- */
void beep(void);
/* beeps speaker */
byte bestlib_init(byte mode, boolean mouse);
/* initializes THE BEST LIBRARY
* sets "blink" = TRUE and "txt_cur_move" = TRUE
* calls "msec" and "txt_mem(TEXTSAVE, NULL)"
* if originally in a text mode, fills global structure "cursor"
* sets the video mode to "mode" [see video_set for details]
* if "mode" = FALSE, does not change video mode
* if "mouse" = TRUE, initializes the mouse to video mode "mode"
* if "mouse = FALSE, does not initialize mouse
* RETURNS: previous video mode if video mode was changed (if not,
current video mode) */
void boot(word how);
/* "how" = WARM, warm boot; "how" = COLD, cold boot */
char *dos_shell(void);
/* shells to DOS, returning on "EXIT"
* RETURNS: NULL if successful, or a pointer to a string saying error */
void msec(int delaytime);
/* delays computer for "delaytime" milliseconds
* first call initializes itself to computer */
void sound_off(void);
/* stops any sound from the speaker */
boolean stopw(byte index, word delaytime);
/* "index" refers to a stopwatch and must be between 0-99
* "delaytime" is number of clock ticks to set stopwatch to
* if called with "delaytime" = 0,
* RETURNS: TRUE if finished
FALSE if not */
byte video_get(void);
/* RETURNS: current video mode */
void video_restore(byte mode);
/* restores video to "mode"
* if "mode" is a text mode, restores video memory, cursor position and shape,
turns on cursor, and enables blinking characters */
void video_set(byte mode);
/* "mode" represents a video mode: [value] - manually specified video mode
TEXT - text mode if not already in one
TEXT25 - 25-line text mode
TEXT50 - 50-line text mode
TEXT25F - forced 25-line text mode
TEXT50F - forced 50-line text mode
VGA16 - 640x480x16 graphics mode
VGA256 - 320x200x256 graphics mode
* NOTE re-initialize mouse driver by "ms_init" to new video mode */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ---------------------- MOUSE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------- */
void ms_get(int *x, int *y);
/* stores mouse abscissa in "x" and mouse ordinate in "y"
* if mouse is in text mode, stores byte values (can be byte *x, byte *y)
* if "y" = NULL, "x" assumed to be "int *xy" (or byte *xy if text mode) */
int ms_getx(void);
/* RETURNS: mouse abscissa
* if mouse is in text mode, RETURNS: byte value */
int ms_gety(void);
/* RETURNS: mouse ordinate
* if mouse is in text mode, RETURNS: byte value */
void ms_hide(void);
/* hides mouse cursor */
boolean ms_init(byte mode);
/* initialize mouse for video mode "mode"
TEXT25 - 25-line text mode
TEXT50 - 50-line text mode
VGA16 - 640x480x16 graphics mode
VGA256 - 320x200x256 graphics mode
* initializes "mousepresent" to return value
* initializes structure "msdata" with default values
* centers mouse cursor on screen and hides it (use "ms_show" to see it)
* sets maximum abscissa and ordinate of mouse cursor to screen size
* RETURNS: TRUE if successful or FALSE if no mouse driver present */
boolean ms_kill(void);
/* completely disables mouse driver;
* RETURNS: TRUE is successful or FALSE is failed */
void ms_range(int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy);
/* new mosue movement range is bounded by "minx","miny" and "maxx","maxy"
* if "minx" = MIN, sets minimum abscissa to screen minimum
* if "maxx" = MAX, sets maximum abscissa to screen maximum
* if "miny" = MIN, sets minimum ordinate to screen minimum
* if "maxy" = MAX, sets maximum ordinate to screen maximum */
void ms_set(int x, int y);
/* position mouse cursor at "x","y"
* if "x" = MEM, the "mousedata.npos[0]" is used
* if "y" = MEM, the "mousedata.npos[1]" is used
* if values are supplied for either "x" or "y", those are stored into
"mousedata.npos[0]" or "mousedata.npos[1]", respectively */
int ms_setx(int x);
/* set mouse cursor abscissa to "x"
* if "x" = MEM, the "mousedata.npos[0]" is used
* if a value is supplied for "x", it is stored into "mousedata.npos[0]"
* RETURNS: mouse ordinate */
int ms_sety(int y);
/* set mouse cursor ordinate to "y"
* if "x" = MEM, the "mousedata.npos[1]" is used
* if a value is supplied for "y", it is stored into "mousedata.npos[1]"
* RETURNS: mouse abscissa */
char ms_shape_get(byte *fgclr, byte *bgclr, char *ch);
/* reads in the current text mouse "bgclr","fgclr", and "ch"
* RETURNS: ASCII character of mouse */
void ms_shape_set(byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char ch);
/* changes the text mouse cursor to ASCII character "ch"
* "fgclr"/"bgclr" = NO if no foreground/background color modification
* "ch" = NO if no character modification */
void ms_show(void);
/* displays mouse cursor */
void ms_stat(void);
/* updates all "mousedata" information except pos[] and but[] */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* --------------------- STRING FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------- */
boolean is_number_dec(char *str);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "str" is a decimal number
FALSE if not */
boolean is_number_hex(char *str);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "str" is a hexadecimal number, FALSE if not
FALSE if not */
void mem_copy(void *destination, void *source, word bytes);
/* copy "bytes" bytes from "source" into "destination" */
word scan_byte(char *start, char compare, word count, boolean direction);
/* checks if one-byte value "compare" is present in "start"
* checks "count" bytes (if NULL, search to end of "start")
* search "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
* RETURNS: offset + 1 of first character matching "compare"
else FALSE if no match found or "start" is not a string */
word scan_byte_not(char *start, char compare, word count, boolean direction);
/* checks if any one-byte value other than "compare" is present in "start"
* checks "count" bytes (if NULL, search to end of "start")
* search "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
* RETURNS: offset + 1 of first character not matching "compare"
else FALSE if only "compare" present (no other characters) */
word scan_bytes(char *start, char compare[], word count, boolean direction);
/* checks if any one of the characters in "compare" (which must be a NULL-
terminated string) are present in "start"
* checks "count" bytes (if NULL, search to end of "start")
* search "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
* RETURNS: offset + 1 of first character matching one of "compare"
else FALSE if no match found or "start" is not a string */
word scan_bytes_not(char *start, char compare[],
word count, boolean direction);
/* checks if any characters other than those in "compare" (which must be
NULL-terminated) are present in "start"
* checks "count" bytes (if NULL, search to end of "start")
* search "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
* RETURNS: offset + 1 of first character not matching "compare"
else FALSE if only "compare" present (no other characters) */
word scan_str(char *start, char *compare, word count, boolean direction);
/* checks if "compare" is present in "start"
* checks "count" bytes (if NULL, search to end of "start")
* search "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
* RETURNS: offset + 1 of first string matching "compare"
else FALSE if no match found or if either "compare" or
"start" are not strings */
word scan_str_not(char *start, char *compare, word count, boolean direction);
/* checks if any string other than "compare" is present in "start"
* checks "count" bytes (if NULL, search to end of "start")
* search "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
* RETURNS: offset + 1 of first string not matching "compare"
else FALSE if no match found or if either "compare" or
"start" are not strings */
word scan_strs(char *start, char *compare[], word count, boolean direction);
/* checks if any one of the strings in "compare" ("compare" must be
NULL-terminated) are present in "start"
* checks "count" bytes (if NULL, search to end of "start")
* search "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
* RETURNS: offset + 1 of first string matching "compare"
else FALSE if no match found or if either "compare" or
"start" are not strings */
word scan_strs_not(char *start, char *compare[],
word count, boolean direction);
/* checks if any string other than those in "compare" ("compare" must be
NULL-terminated) are present in "start"
* checks "count" bytes (if NULL, search to end of "start")
* search "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
* RETURNS: offset + 1 of first string not matching "compare"
else FALSE if no match found or if either "compare" or
"start" are not strings */
word scan_word(word *start, word compare, word count, boolean direction);
/* checks if word "compare" is present in "start"
* checks "count" words
* search "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
* RETURNS: offset + 1 of first integer matching "compare" or
FALSE if no match found or if "count" = 0 */
word scan_word_not(word *start, word compare, word count, boolean direction);
/* checks if any integers other than "compare" are present in
* checks "count" words
* search "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
* RETURNS: offset + 1 of first integer not matching "compare"
else FALSE if only "compare" is present (no other integers) */
word scan_words(word *start, word compare[], word count, boolean direction);
/* checks if any one of the integers in "compare" ("compare" must be
NULL-terminated) are present in "start"
* checks "count" words
* search "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
* RETURNS: offset + 1 of first integer matching "compare" or
FALSE if no match found or if "count" = 0 */
word scan_words_not(word *start, word compare[],
word count, boolean direction);
/* checks if any integer other than those in "compare" ("compare" must
be NULL-terminated) are present in "start"
* checks "count" words
* search "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
* RETURNS: offset + 1 of first integer not matching "compare"
else FALSE if only "compare" is present (no other integers) */
int sign(int number);
/* RETURNS: sign of "number" */
void str_case_down(char *str);
/* converts all characters in "str" to lowercase */
void str_case_down_pr(printdata *prdata);
/* converts all characters in "prdata.string" to lowercase */
void str_case_flip(char *str);
/* converts all characters in "str" to opposite case */
void str_case_flip_pr(printdata *prdata);
/* converts all characters in "prdata.string" to opposite case */
void str_case_up(char *str);
/* converts all characters in string "str" to uppercase */
void str_case_up_pr(printdata *prdata);
/* converts all characters in "prdata.string" to uppercase */
int str_cmp(char *str1, char *str2);
/* compares "str1" to "str2"
* RETURNS: +1 if "str1" is alphabetically greater than "str2"
* RETURNS: 0 if "str1" and "str2" are same
* RETURNS: -1 if "str1" is alphabetically less than "str2" */
word str_copy(char *destination, char *source);
/* copies string "source" into "destination" (including NULL terminator)
* RETURNS: length of string "source" */
void str_del_byte(char *start, char del, word count);
/* deletes all occurrences of "del" from "start", searching "count" bytes
* if "count" = NULL, search to end of "start" */
void str_del_bytes(char *start, word count);
/* deletes "count" bytes from "start" */
void str_del_str(char *start, char *del, word count);
/* deletes all occurrences of "del" from "start", searching "count" bytes
* if "count" = NULL, search to end of "start" */
void str_del_word(word *start, word del, word count);
/* deletes all occurrences of "del" from "start", searching "count" bytes */
void str_del_words(word *start, word count);
/* deletes "count" words from "start" */
void str_fill_byte(char *destination, char source, word count);
/* Fills "destination" with "count" byte-values "source" */
void str_fill_str(char *destination, char *source, word count);
/* Fills "destination" with "count" strings "source" */
void str_fill_word(word *destination, word source, word count);
/* Fills "destination" with "count" word-values "source" */
void str_inc(char *str); /* increments ASCII number "str" */
void str_ins_byte(char *start, char insert, word count);
/* inserts "count" "insert"s into string "start" */
void str_ins_str(char *start, char *insert, word count);
/* inserts "count" "insert"s into string "start" */
void str_ins_word(word *start, word insert, word count);
/* inserts "count" "insert"s into word array "start" */
word str_len(char *str);
/* RETURNS: length of "str" */
word str_len_pr(printdata *prdata);
/* RETURNS: length of "prdata.string" */
char *str_next_str(char *str);
/* read next string from "str" (a string can consist of alphanumeric
characters, hyphens, apostrophes, or text surrounded in quotes, like
"It is: 04/12/94" -- nothing else)
* RETURNS: pointer to next word
* NULL if no word was found (passed in a NULL string) */
char *str_next_word(char *str);
/* read next word from "str" (a word can consist of alphabet letters,
hyphens, or apostrophes -- nothing else)
* RETURNS: pointer to next word
* NULL if no word was found (passed in a NULL string) */
void str_rep_byte_byte(char *start, char search,
char replace, word count, boolean direction);
/* search "start" "count" bytes for "search" and replaces all occurrences
of it with "replace"
* if "count" = NULL, search to end of "start" ONLY WITH DIRECTION: FORWARD
* search in "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
void str_rep_byte_str(char *start, char search,
char *replace, word count, boolean direction);
/* search "start" "count" bytes for "search" and replaces all occurrences
of it with "replace"
* if "count" = NULL, search to end of "start" ONLY WITH DIRECTION: FORWARD
* search in "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
void str_rep_byte_word(char *start, char search,
word replace, word count, boolean direction);
/* search "start" "count" bytes for "search" and replaces all occurrences
of it with "replace"
* if "count" = NULL, search to end of "start" ONLY WITH DIRECTION: FORWARD
* search in "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
void str_rep_str_byte(char *start, char *search,
char replace, word count, boolean direction);
/* search "start" "count" bytes for "search" and replaces all occurrences
of it with "replace"
* if "count" = NULL, search to end of "start" ONLY WITH DIRECTION: FORWARD
* search in "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
void str_rep_str_str(char *start, char *search,
char *replace, word count, boolean direction);
/* search "start" "count" bytes for "search" and replaces all occurrences
of it with "replace"
* if "count" = NULL, search to end of "start" ONLY WITH DIRECTION: FORWARD
* search in "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD
void str_rep_word_byte(word *start, word search,
char replace, word count, boolean direction);
/* search "start" "count" bytes for "search" and replaces all occurrences
of it with "replace"
* search in "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD */
void str_rep_word_word(word *start, word search,
word replace, word count, boolean direction);
/* search "start" "count" bytes for "search" and replaces all occurrences
of it with "replace"
* search in "direction": FORWARD or BACKWARD */
char str_right(char *str, word number);
/* RETURNS: char "number" from string "str", counting from end of string */
char str_right_pr(printdata *prdata, word number);
/* RETURNS: char "number" from string "prdata.string", counting from end of
string */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ---------------- STRING CHARACTER FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------- */
char case_down(char ch);
/* RETURNS: "ch" in lowercase */
char case_down_ptr(char *ch);
/* RETURNS: "ch" in lowercase (also modifies "ch") */
char case_flip(char ch);
/* RETURNS: "ch" in opposite case */
char case_flip_ptr(char *ch);
/* RETURNS: "ch" in opposite case (also modifies "ch") */
char case_up(char ch);
/* RETURNS: "ch" in uppercase */
char case_up_ptr(char *ch);
/* RETURNS: "ch" in uppercase (also modifies "ch") */
boolean is_alpha(char ch);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "ch" is an alphabet letter, FALSE if not
FALSE if not */
boolean is_alpha_down(char ch);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "ch" is a lowercase alphabet letter, FALSE if not
FALSE if not */
boolean is_alpha_up(char ch);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "ch" is an uppercase alphabet letter, FALSE if not
FALSE if not */
boolean is_alphanum(char ch);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "ch" is an alphanumeric character, FALSE if not
FALSE if not */
boolean is_ascii(char ch);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "ch" is a standard ASCII character, FALSE if not
FALSE if not */
boolean is_case_down(char ch);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "ch" is lowercase, FALSE if not
FALSE if not */
boolean is_case_up(char ch);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "ch" is uppercase, FALSE if not
FALSE if not */
boolean is_ctrlchar(char ch);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "ch" is a control character (0-31 or 127), FALSE if not
FALSE if not */
boolean is_digit_dec(char ch);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "ch" is a digit, FALSE if not
FALSE if not */
boolean is_digit_hex(char ch);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "ch" is a hexadecimal digit, FALSE if not
FALSE if not */
boolean is_greek(char ch);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "ch" is a greek letter, FALSE if not
FALSE if not */
boolean is_letter(char ch);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "ch" is an alphabet letter, an apostrophe, or a hyphen
FALSE if not */
boolean is_letternum(char ch);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "ch" is an alphanumeric letter, an apostrophe, or a
FALSE if not */
boolean is_print(char ch);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "ch" is a printable character (has ASCII symbol)
FALSE if not */
boolean is_punc(char ch);
/* RETURNS: TRUE if "ch" is a punctuation character, FALSE if not
FALSE if not */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ---------------- STRING CONVERSION FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------- */
char *con_bool_to_str(boolean bool);
/* convert boolean FALSE or TRUE into a string
* RETURNS: "TRUE" if "bool" = TRUE
* "FALSE" if "bool" = FALSE */
char *con_color_to_str(byte color);
/* convert "color" into its string color name
* RETURNS: string representation of color
* NULL if "color" is not a valid color */
shortint con_str_to_bool(char *str);
/* convert "str" into FALSE or TRUE
* RETURNS: TRUE if "str" = "TRUE"
* FALSE if "str" = "FALSE"
* -1 if "str" is not a valid boolean word */
shortint con_str_to_color(char *str);
/* convert "str" into its color equivalent
* RETURNS: color value
* -1 if "str" is not a valid color */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* -------------------- TEXT MODE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ------------------- */
void txt_ascii_get(word number, byte codes[]);
/* reads "number" characters into "codes"
* see ASCII GRAPHIC DEFINITIONS for details on structure of "codes" */
void txt_ascii_set(word number, byte codes[]);
/* sets "number" characters using data from "codes"
* see ASCII GRAPHIC DEFINITIONS for details on structure of "codes" */
void txt_blink(int what);
/* if "what" = TRUE, blinking characters
= FALSE, 16 background colors */
byte txt_char_height(void);
/* RETURNS: height of text mode characters (in pixels/scan lines) */
byte txt_char_length(void);
/* RETURNS: length of text mode characters (in pixels) */
void txt_cls(void);
/* clears the screen */
void txt_erase(byte x, byte y, byte length, byte height);
/* overwrites the region with corner at "x","y", x-length "length", and
y-height "height" with spaces */
void txt_erase_col(byte col);
/* overwrites "col" with spaces */
void txt_erase_row(byte row);
/* overwrites "row" with spaces */
void txt_fill_area(byte x, byte y, filldata *fidata);
/* fills screen according to structure "fidata"
* the filling begins at corner "x","y"
* if "x" = MEM, "fidata.x" is used
* if "y" = MEM, "fidata.y" is used */
char txt_fill_col(byte col, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *str);
/* prints string "str" in fgcolor "fgclr" and bgcolor "bgclr" at "col",0
down the screen
* if "fgclr" = NO, foreground is not modified
* if "bgclr" = NO, background is not modified
* if "str" = NULL, no string is printed
* RETURNS: ASCII value of first character overwritten */
char txt_fill_row(byte row, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *str);
/* prints string "str" in fgcolor "fgclr" and bgcolor "bgclr" at 0,"row"
across the screen
* if "fgclr" = NO, foreground is not modified
* if "bgclr" = NO, background is not modified
* if "str" = NULL, no string is printed
* RETURNS: ASCII value of first character overwritten */
word txt_flood(byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *str);
/* floods screen with string "str" in "fgclr","bgclr"
* if "fgclr" = NO, foreground color is not modified
* if "bgclr" = NO, background color is not modified
* if "str" = NULL, no string is written
* RETURNS: length of "str" */
word txt_get_abs(void);
/* RETURNS: offset of text page */
byte txt_get_act(void);
/* RETURNS: active text page */
byte txt_get_vis(void);
/* RETURNS: visual text page */
byte txt_last(void);
/* RETURNS: last text page number */
void txt_mem(byte what, textimagedata *timage);
/* if "what" = TEXTSHOW - restores text memory
= TEXTSAVE - stores text memory
* storage area "timage" is used (use "txt_chrattrs_need" to get memory
requirements for storing an 80x25 or 80x50 screen)
* if "timage" = NULL, one built-in storage area is used */
word txt_print(byte x, byte y, printdata *prdata);
/* prints according to structure "prdata"
* the printing begins at "x","y"
* if "x" = MEM, "prdata.x" is used
* if "y" = MEM, "prdata.y" is used
* RETURNS: length of "prdata.string" */
byte txt_rows(void);
/* RETURNS: [number of rows]-1 in current text page */
void txt_scroll(int columns, int rows);
/* smoothly scrolls screen "columns" and "rows" -- negatives apply */
void txt_scroll_fast(shortint columns, shortint rows);
/* quickly smoothly scrolls screen "columns" and "rows" -- negatives apply
* NOTE some flicker may occur */
void txt_scroll_off(shortint direction);
/* smoothly scrolls screen off in "direction" */
void txt_scroll_on(shortint direction);
/* smoothly scrolls screen on in "direction" */
void txt_scroll_over(int scanlines);
/* smoothly scrolls "scanlines" of a screen overtop another screen --
negative "scanlines" means scroll down (off screen) */
void txt_scroll_rows(byte row, byte height, shortint horz_scroll);
/* smoothly scrolls screen rows "height" beginning at "row"
* scrolls "horz_scroll" columns -- negatives apply */
void txt_scroll_window(byte x, byte y, byte length, byte height,
shortint horz_scroll, shortint vert_scroll);
/* smoothly scrolls screen region with corner at "x","y", x-length
"length", and y-height "height" in direction "direction","horz_scroll"
characters and "vert_scroll" rows -- negatives apply */
void txt_set_abs(word offset);
/* sets offset of text page */
void txt_set_act(byte page);
/* sets text page "page" as active
* if "page" = TEXTPAGEVISUAL, active page becomes current visual page
* if "page" = TEXTPAGELAST, last page becomes active page */
void txt_set_rel(int columns, int rows);
/* sets horz offset "columns" and vert offset "rows" from original offset */
void txt_set_vis(byte page);
/* sets a text page as visual, or seen
* if "page" = TEXTPAGEACTIVE, visual page becomes current active page
* if "page" = TEXTPAGELAST, last page becomes visual page */
void txt_split(word line); /* splits visual page at "line" (0-400) */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ----------------- TEXT ANIMATION FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------------- */
/* :(NONE YET :( */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ----------------- TEXT ATTRIBUTE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------------- */
char txt_attr_save(byte x, byte y, byte *fgclr, byte *bgclr);
/* stores foreground color at "x","y" into "fgclr" and background color
into "bgclr"
* if "fgclr" = NULL, foreground is not stored
* if "bgclr" = NULL, background is not stored
* RETURNS: ASCII value of character at "x","y" */
char txt_attr_show(byte x, byte y, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, int count);
/* prints "count" fgcolors "fgclr" and bgcolors "bgclr" at "x","y"
* if "fgclr" = NO, foreground is not modified
* if "bgclr" = NO, background is not modified
* if "x" and "y" both equal TCUR, advances the cursor position to one
past the last attribute printed
* RETURNS: ASCII value of character at "x","y" */
void txt_attrs_fill(byte x, byte y,
byte length, byte height, byte fgclr, byte bgclr);
/* the region with corner "x","y", x-length "length", and y-height
"height" is filled in fgcolor "fglcr" and bgcolor "bgclr"
* if "fgclr" = NO, foreground is not modified
* if "bgclr" = NO, background is not modified */
word txt_attrs_need(byte length, byte height);
/* RETURNS: memory requirement for a "txt_attrs_save"ed image of
x-length "length" and y-height "height" */
void txt_attrs_save(byte x, byte y,
byte length, byte height, textimagedata *attrs);
/* stores the region of attributes from corner "x","y" with x-length
"length" and y-height "height" into "attrs"
* if "x" = MEM, "attrs.x" is used
* if "y" = MEM, "attrs.y" is used
* if "length" = MEM, "attrs.length" is used
* if "height" = MEM, "attrs.height" is used */
void txt_attrs_show(byte x, byte y,
byte fgclr, byte bgclr, textimagedata *attrs);
/* prints the region of attributes "attrs" at top-left corner "x","y"
* if "x" = MEM, "attrs.x" is used
* if "y" = MEM, "attrs.y" is used
* if "fgclr" = NO, foreground color is not modified
= YES, modifies foreground with stored colors
= MEM, "attrs.fgclr" is used
* if "bgclr" = NO, background color is not modified
= YES, modifies background with stored colors
= MEM, "attrs.bgclr" is used */
byte txt_bg_get(byte x, byte y); /* RETURNS: background color at "x","y" */
byte txt_fg_get(byte x, byte y); /* RETURNS: foreground color at "x","y" */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ----------------- TEXT CHARACTER FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------------- */
void txt_chr_attr_save(byte x, byte y, byte *fgclr, byte *bgclr, char *ch);
/* stores foreground color at "x","y" into "fgclr", background color into
"bgclr", and ASCII character into "ch"
* if "fgclr" = NULL, foreground is not stored
* if "bgclr" = NULL, background is not stored
* if "ch" = NULL, character is not stored
* RETURNS: ASCII value of character at "x","y" */
char txt_chr_attr_show(byte x, byte y,
byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char ch, int count);
/* prints "count" characters "ch" in fgcolor "fgclr" and bgcolor "bgclr"
at "x","y"
* if "fgclr" = NO, foreground is not modified
* if "bgclr" = NO, background is not modified
* if "x" and "y" both equal TCUR, advances the cursor position to one
past the last attribute printed
* RETURNS: ASCII value of first character overwritten */
char txt_chr_erase(byte x, byte y, int count);
/* overwrites "count" characters at "x","y" with spaces
* RETURNS: ASCII value of first character overwritten */
char txt_chr_get(byte x, byte y);
/* RETURNS: ASCII value of character at "x","y" */
char txt_chr_show(byte x, byte y, char ch, int count);
/* prints "count" characters "ch" at "x","y"
* RETURNS: ASCII value of first character overwritten */
char txt_chrattr_save(byte x, byte y, word *chrattr);
/* stores character with its attribute at "x","y" into "chrattr"
* RETURNS: ASCII value of character that was saved */
char txt_chrattr_show(byte x, byte y,
byte fgclr, byte bgclr, word chrattr, int count);
/* prints "count" characters with attributes, from "chrattr", at "x","y"
* if "fgclr" = NO, foreground is not modified
* if "bgclr" = NO, background is not modified
* RETURNS: ASCII value of first character overwritten */
char txt_chrattrs_fill(byte x, byte y, byte length, byte height,
byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char ch);
/* the region with corner "x","y", x-length "length", and y-height "height"
is filled with "ch" in "fgclr","bgclr"
* if "fgclr" = NO, foreground is not modified
* if "bgclr" = NO, background is not modified
* if "ch" = NO, no character is written
* RETURNS: ASCII value of first character overwritten */
word txt_chrattrs_need(byte length, byte height);
/* RETURNS: memory requirement for a "txt_chrattrs_save"ed image */
void txt_chrattrs_save(byte x, byte y,
byte length, byte height, textimagedata *chrattrs);
/* stores the region of characters and their attributes from corner
"x","y" with x-length "length" and y-height "height" into "chrattrs"
* if "x" = MEM, "chrattrs.x" is used
* if "y" = MEM, "chrattrs.y" is used
* if "length" = MEM, "chrattrs.length" is used
* if "height" = MEM, "chrattrs.height" is used */
void txt_chrattrs_show(byte x, byte y,
byte fgclr, byte bgclr, textimagedata *chrattrs);
/* prints a region of character and their attributes "chrattrs" at
top-left corner "x","y"
* if "x" = MEM, "chrattrs.x" is used
* if "y" = MEM, "chrattrs.y" is used
* if "fgclr" = NO, foreground color is not modified
= YES, modifies foreground with stored colors
= MEM, "chrattrs.fgclr" is used
* if "bgclr" = NO, background color is not modified
= YES, modifies background with stored colors
= MEM, "chrattrs.bgclr" is used */
void txt_chrattrs_show_char(byte x, byte y, byte x_timage, byte y_timage,
byte fgclr, byte bgclr, textimagedata *chrattrs);
/* prints one character and its attributes from "x_timage","y_timage" of
"chrattrs" at screen "x","y"
* if "x" = MEM, "chrattrs.x" is used
* if "y" = MEM, "chrattrs.y" is used
* if "fgclr" = NO, foreground color is not modified
= YES, modifies foreground with stored colors
= MEM, "chrattrs.fgclr" is used
* if "bgclr" = NO, background color is not modified
= YES, modifies background with stored colors
= MEM, "chrattrs.bgclr" is used */
void txt_chrattrs_show_str(byte x, byte y, byte x_timage, byte y_timage,
byte length, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, textimagedata *chrattrs);
/* prints string of character and their attributes from "x_timage","y_timage"
of "chrattrs" at screen "x","y"
* if "x" = MEM, "chrattrs.x" is used
* if "y" = MEM, "chrattrs.y" is used
* if "fgclr" = NO, foreground color is not modified
= YES, modifies foreground with stored colors
= MEM, "chrattrs.fgclr" is used
* if "bgclr" = NO, background color is not modified
= YES, modifies background with stored colors
= MEM, "chrattrs.bgclr" is used */
void txt_chrattrs_show_region(byte x, byte y, byte x_timage, byte y_timage,
byte length, byte height, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, textimagedata *chrattrs);
/* prints region of character and their attributes from "x_timage","y_timage"
of "chrattrs" at screen "x","y"
* if "x" = MEM, "chrattrs.x" is used
* if "y" = MEM, "chrattrs.y" is used
* if "fgclr" = NO, foreground color is not modified
= YES, modifies foreground with stored colors
= MEM, "chrattrs.fgclr" is used
* if "bgclr" = NO, background color is not modified
= YES, modifies background with stored colors
= MEM, "chrattrs.bgclr" is used */
void txt_chrs_erase(byte x, byte y, textimagedata *chrs);
/* overwrites "chrs" with corner at "x","y" with spaces
* if "x" = MEM, "chrs.x" is used
* if "y" = MEM, "chrs.y" is used */
void txt_chrs_fill(byte x, byte y, byte length, byte height, char ch);
/* the region with corner "x","y", x-length "length", and y-height
"height" is filled with character "ch" */
word txt_chrs_need(byte length, byte height);
/* RETURNS: memory requirement for a "txt_chrs_save"ed image */
void txt_chrs_save(byte x, byte y,
byte length, byte height, textimagedata *chrs);
/* stores the region of characters from corner "x","y" with x-length
"length" and y-height "height" into "chrs"
* if "length" = MEM, "chrs.length" is used
* if "height" = MEM, "chrs.height" is used */
void txt_chrs_show(byte x, byte y, textimagedata *chrs);
/* prints the region of character "chrs" with top-left corner "x","y"
* if "x" = MEM, "chrs.x" is used
* if "y" = MEM, "chrs.y" is used */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------ TEXT CURSOR FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ------------------- */
void cur_get(cursordata *curdata);
/* fills structure "curdata" with all text cursor information */
void cur_get_abs(cursordata *curdata);
/* fills structure "curdata" with all text cursor information, as reported by
VGA card */
void cur_get_coord(byte *x, byte *y);
/* stores cursor abscissa in "x" and cursor ordinate in "y" on active page
* if "y" = NULL, "x" is assumed to be "byte *xy" */
void cur_get_coord_abs(byte *x, byte *y);
/* stores cursor abscissa in "x" and cursor ordinate in "y", as reported by
VGA card
* if "y" = NULL, "x" is assumed to be "byte *xy" */
void cur_get_shape(byte *start, byte *end);
/* gets cursor shape on active page
* stores starting scan line into "start", ending scan line into "end"
* if "end" = NULL, "start" is assumed to be "byte *start_end" */
void cur_get_shape_abs(byte *start, byte *end);
/* gets cursor shape as reported by VGA card
* stores starting scan line into "start", ending scan line into "end"
* if "end" = NULL, "start" is assumed to be "byte *start_end" */
byte cur_get_x(void);
/* RETURNS: cursor abscissa on active page */
byte cur_get_x_abs(void);
/* RETURNS:cursor abscissa as reported by VGA card */
byte cur_get_y(void);
/* RETURNS: cursor ordinate on active page */
byte cur_get_y_abs(void);
/* RETURNS:cursor ordinate as reported by VGA card */
boolean cur_is_on(void);
/* RETURNS:TRUE if text cursor is on, FALSE if not */
void cur_off(void);
/* turns cursor off */
void cur_on(void);
/* turns cursor on */
void cur_set(cursordata *curdata);
/* sets cursor statistics according to "curdata" */
void cur_set_bios(cursordata *curdata);
/* sets cursor statatics according to "curdata" via BIOS */
byte cur_set_coord(byte x, byte y);
/* sets cursor to "x","y"
* if "x" = MCUR, cursor abscissa is set to mouse abscissa
* if "y" = MCUR, cursor ordinate is set to mouse ordinate
* RETURNS: cursor abscissa */
void cur_set_coord_bios(byte x, byte y);
/* sets cursor to "x","y" via BIOS */
void cur_set_shape(byte start, byte end);
/* defines new cursor shape, starting at scan line "start", ending at
scan line "end"
* if "start" = NO, starting scan line of cursor is not modified
* if "end" = NO, ending scan line of cursor is not modified
* "start" and end" must be between 0 - 31 */
void cur_set_shape_bios(byte start, byte end);
/* defines new cursor shape, starting at scan line "start", ending at
scan line "end"
* "start" and end" must be between 0 - 31 */
byte cur_set_x(byte x);
/* sets cursor abscissa to "x"
* RETURNS: cursor ordinate */
byte cur_set_x_bios(byte x);
/* sets cursor abscissa to "x" via BIOS
* RETURNS: cursor ordinate */
byte cur_set_y(byte y);
/* sets cursor ordinate to "y"
* RETURNS: cursor abscissa */
byte cur_set_y_bios(byte y);
/* sets cursor ordinate to "y" via bios
* RETURNS: cursor abscissa */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ----------------- TEXT USER INPUT FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------- */
int txt_get_let(byte x, byte y, char *str, byte max, byte fillchar,
char *msg, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *def);
/* accepts only alphabet character input from keyboard into "str"
* accepts a maximum of "max" characters; if "max" = MAX, accepts a
maximum of "str_len(str)" characters
* prints message "msg" at "x","y" followed by default response "def"
* fills empty response space with "fillchar", unless "fillchar" = NO
* colors response space with "fgclr","bgclr"
* will not allow input to exceed screen limit
* hides text cursor and restores its position upon return
* RETURNS: number of characters of input
-1 if <ESC> is pressed
-2 if an error occurred */
int txt_get_num(byte x, byte y, int *input, byte max, byte fillchar,
char *msg, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *def);
/* accepts only numeric digit input and '+','-' from keyboard into "input"
* accepts a maximum of "max" characters; input is allowed to be -32768..32767
* prints message "message" at "x","y" followed by default response "def"
* fills empty response space with "fillchar", unless "fillchar" = NO
* colors response space with "fgclr","bgclr"
* will not allow input to exceed screen limit
* hides text cursor and restores its position upon return
* RETURNS: number of characters of input
-1 if <ESC> is pressed
-2 if an error occurred */
int txt_get_numu(byte x, byte y, word *input, byte max, byte fillchar,
char *msg, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *def);
/* accepts only numeric digit input from keyboard into "input"
* accepts a maximum of "max" characters; input is allowed between 0..65535
* prints message "message" at "x","y" followed by default response "def"
* fills empty response space with "fillchar", unless "fillchar" = NO
* colors response space with "fgclr","bgclr"
* will not allow input to exceed screen limit
* hides text cursor and restores its position upon return
* RETURNS: number of characters of input
-1 if <ESC> is pressed
-2 if an error occurred */
int txt_get_str(byte x, byte y, char *str, byte max, byte fillchar,
char *msg, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *def);
/* accepts all ASCII character input from keyboard into "str"
* accepts a maximum of "max" characters; if "max" = MAX, accepts a maximum
of "str_len(str)" characters
* prints message "message" at "x","y" followed by default response
* fills empty response space with "fillchar", unless "fillchar" = NO
* colors response space with "fgclr","bgclr"
* will not allow input to exceed screen limit
* hides text cursor and restores its position upon return
* RETURNS: number of characters of input
-1 if <ESC> is pressed
-2 if an error occurred */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------- TEXT STRING FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ------------------ */
void txt_str_attr_show(byte x, byte y,
byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *str, byte command);
/* prints string "str" in fgcolor "fgclr" and bgcolor "bgclr" at "x","y"
* if "fgclr" = NO, foreground color is not modified
* if "bgclr" = NO, background color is not modified
* if "command" = ALIGN_NONE no command
= ALIGN_HORZ horizontal center; shifts odd lengths left
= ALIGN_VERT vertical center; shifts odd lengths up
= ALIGN_CENTER horizontal and vertical center
= ALIGN_RIGHT right justify; flush to right margin */
word txt_str_erase(byte x, byte y, char *str, byte command);
/* overwrites "str" at "x","y" with blanks (ASCII 32)
* if "command" = ALIGN_NONE no command
= ALIGN_HORZ horizontal center; shifts odd lengths left
= ALIGN_VERT vertical center; shifts odd lengths up
= ALIGN_CENTER horizontal and vertical center
= ALIGN_RIGHT right justify; flush to right margin
* RETURNS: length of "str" */
word txt_str_erase_pr(byte x, byte y, printdata *prdata);
/* overwrites "printdata.text" at "x","y" with blanks (ASCII 32)
* if "x" = MEM, "prdata.x" is used
* if "y" = MEM, "prdata.y" is used
* RETURNS: length of "prdata.string" */
word txt_str_save(byte x, byte y, byte length, char *str, byte command);
/* reads "length" characters from "x","y" into "str"
* if "length" = NULL, uses length of "str" as number of characters to read
* The NULL character is appended as last character in "str"
* if "command" = ALIGN_NONE no command
= ALIGN_HORZ horizontal center; shifts odd lengths left
= ALIGN_VERT vertical center; shifts odd lengths up
= ALIGN_CENTER horizontal and vertical center
= ALIGN_RIGHT right justify; flush to right margin
* RETURNS: length of "str" */
word txt_str_show(byte x, byte y, char *str, byte command);
/* prints string "str" at "x","y"
* if "command" = ALIGN_NONE no command
= ALIGN_HORZ horizontal center; shifts odd lengths left
= ALIGN_VERT vertical center; shifts odd lengths up
= ALIGN_CENTER horizontal and vertical center
= ALIGN_RIGHT right justify; flush to right margin
* RETURNS: length of "str" */
word txt_strattr_need(byte length);
/* RETURNS: memory requirement for "txt_strattr_save"ed image of
x-length "length" */
word txt_strattr_save(byte x, byte y, shortint length,textimagedata *strattr);
/* reads "length" characters and their attributes from "x","y" to "strattr"
* if "length" = MEM, "strattr.length" is used
* RETURNS: character count of "strattr" (which is length / 2) */
word txt_strattr_show(byte x, byte y, byte fgclr, byte bgclr,
textimagedata *strattr, byte command);
/* prints string with attributes "strattr" at "x","y"
* if "fgclr" = NO, foreground color is not modified
= YES, modifies foreground with stored colors
= MEM, "strattr.fgclr" is used
* if "bgclr" = NO, background color is not modified
= YES, modifies background with stored colors
= MEM, "strattr.bgclr" is used
* if "command" = ALIGN_NONE no command
= ALIGN_HORZ horizontal center; shifts odd lengths left
= ALIGN_VERT vertical center; shifts odd lengths up
= ALIGN_CENTER horizontal and vertical center
= ALIGN_RIGHT right justify; flush to right margin
* RETURNS: character count of "strattr" (which is length / 2) */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------- TEXT WINDOW FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ------------------ */
word win_define(void);
/* defines a new window */
void win_move(void);
/* moves a window to absolute coordinates */
void win_move_rel(void);
/* moves a window relative to its current position */
void win_scroll(int horz, int vert, windowdata *win);
/* scrolls window "win" "horz" chars horizontally and "vert" chars
vertically -- negatives apply */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ----------------------- VGA FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------- */
void fade_in(void); /* fade into a screen */
void fade_out(void); /* fade a screen to black */
boolean isit_color(void); /* RETURNS: TRUE if color capable, FALSE if not */
boolean isit_ega(void); /* RETURNS: TRUE if EGA capable, FALSE if not */
boolean isit_vga(void); /* RETURNS: TRUE if VGA capable, FALSE if not */
boolean isit_svga(void); /* RETURNS: TRUE if SVGA capable, FALSE if not */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ----------------- VGA 640x480x16 FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------------- */
void _16_boxfill(int x, int y, int length, int height, int color, int how);
/* creates a solid box of color "color" with one corner at "x","y" and
x-length "length" and y-height "height" (which can be negative)
* RETURNS: 0 if successful or -1 if box dimensions are off-screen
* "how" determines how image is drawn: COPY_IMAGE - draws image
AND_IMAGE - ANDs image
OR_IMAGE - ORs image
XOR_IMAGE - XORs image
COPY_IMAGE_SET - draws image and sets to current scroll
AND_IMAGE_SET - ANDs image and sets to current scroll
OR_IMAGE_SET - ORs image and sets to current scroll
XOR_IMAGE_SET - XORs image and sets to current scroll */
void _16_boxoutline(int x, int y, int length, int height, int color,int how);
/* creates an outline of a box color "color" with one corner at "x","y"
and x-length "length" and y-height "height" (which can be negative)
* "length" and "height" must be at least 2
* RETURNS: 0 if successful or -1 if box dimensions are off-screen
* "how" determines how image is drawn: COPY_IMAGE - draws image
AND_IMAGE - ANDs image
OR_IMAGE - ORs image
XOR_IMAGE - XORs image
COPY_IMAGE_SET - draws image and sets to current scroll
AND_IMAGE_SET - ANDs image and sets to current scroll
OR_IMAGE_SET - ORs image and sets to current scroll
XOR_IMAGE_SET - XORs image and sets to current scroll */
void _16_floodall(int color, int scroll);
/* floods a screen-size with color "color
* "scroll" determines relative to what flood will occur:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000 */
void _16_floodallall(int color);
/* floods a 640x816 region of video RAM with color "color" */
void _16_linebiglen(int x, int y, int length,
int height, int color, int how, int dimensions);
/* draws line with one end at "x","y", x-length "length", and y-height
"height" in color "color"
* "how" determines how image is drawn: COPY_IMAGE - draws image
AND_IMAGE - ANDs image
OR_IMAGE - ORs image
XOR_IMAGE - XORs image
COPY_IMAGE_SET - draws image and sets to current scroll
AND_IMAGE_SET - ANDs image and sets to current scroll
OR_IMAGE_SET - ORs image and sets to current scroll
XOR_IMAGE_SET - XORs image and sets to current scroll
* line is drawn using user-specified block size "dimensions" */
void _16_linebigxy(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int color, int how, int dimensions);
/* draws a line from "x1","y1" to "x2","y2" in color "color"
* line is drawn using user-specified block size "dimensions"
* "how" determines how image is drawn: COPY_IMAGE - draws image
AND_IMAGE - ANDs image
OR_IMAGE - ORs image
XOR_IMAGE - XORs image
COPY_IMAGE_SET - draws image and sets to current scroll
AND_IMAGE_SET - ANDs image and sets to current scroll
OR_IMAGE_SET - ORs image and sets to current scroll
XOR_IMAGE_SET - XORs image and sets to current scroll */
void _16_linelen(int x, int y, int length, int height, int color, int how);
/* draws line with one end at "x","y", x-length "length", and y-height
"height" in color "color"
* same as "linexy" but draws line using relative distances
* RETURNS: 0 if successful or -1 if line dimensions are off-screen
* "how" determines how image is drawn: COPY_IMAGE - draws image
AND_IMAGE - ANDs image
OR_IMAGE - ORs image
XOR_IMAGE - XORs image
COPY_IMAGE_SET - draws image and sets to current scroll
AND_IMAGE_SET - ANDs image and sets to current scroll
OR_IMAGE_SET - ORs image and sets to current scroll
XOR_IMAGE_SET - XORs image and sets to current scroll */
void _16_linexy(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color, int how);
/* draws a line from "x1","y1" to "x2","y2" in color "color"
* same as "linecool" but draws line properly
* "how" determines how image is drawn: COPY_IMAGE - draws image
AND_IMAGE - ANDs image
OR_IMAGE - ORs image
XOR_IMAGE - XORs image
COPY_IMAGE_SET - draws image and sets to current scroll
AND_IMAGE_SET - ANDs image and sets to current scroll
OR_IMAGE_SET - ORs image and sets to current scroll
XOR_IMAGE_SET - XORs image and sets to current scroll
* RETURNS: 0 if successful or -1 if line dimensions are off-screen */
void _16_pixel(int x, int y, int color, int scroll);
/* changes pixel at "x","y" to "color"
* "scroll" determines relative to what pixel will be set:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000 */
int _16_pixel_avg(int x, int y, int scroll);
/* "scroll" determines relative to what pixel will be read:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000
* RETURNS: average color of nine pixels surrounding "x","y" */
int _16_pixel_color(int x, int y, int scroll);
/* "scroll" determines relative to what pixel will be read:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000
* RETURNS: pixel color at "x","y" */
boolean _16_pixel_is(int x, int y, int color, int scroll);
/* "scroll" determines relative to what pixel will be checked:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000
* RETURNS: TRUE if pixel at "x","y" is "color"
FALSE if not */
int _16_popupcolumn(int x, int y, int choice, int maxopts,
char *ptr[], int mousepresent);
/* a column will pop up at "x","y" with maximum choices "maxopts"
* "choice" will be first highlighted menu
* "ptr" points to main menu options
* "mousepresent" is TRUE if a mouse is present and has been initialized
with "ms_init()" */
int _16_popupmenu(int x, int y, int choice, int maxmenus,
char *ptr[], int data[][3], char *text[], int mousepresent);
/* a menu will pop up at "x","y" with maximum choices "maxmenus"
* "choice" will be first highlighted menu
* "ptr" points to main menu options
* "data" holds necessary data
[number of submenus], [index into *text], [1 = active, 0 = inactive]
* "text" points to all of submenus
* "mousepresent" is TRUE if a mouse is present and has been initialized
with "ms_init()" */
int _16_scrollevel(void); /* RETURNS: number of rows currently scrolled */
void _16_scrollrow(int rows);
/* scrolls screen "rows" rows (+ve scrolls down, -ve scrolls up)
* if "rows" = 0, restores video pointer to A000:0000 */
void _16_thermal(int x, int y, int length, int height);
/* scans through each pixel, taking average color of surrounding pixels
* "scroll" determines relative to what pixel will be read:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* -------------- VGA 640x480x16 IMAGE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES -------------- */
void _16_copy(imagedata *destination, imagedata *source);
/* copies "source" into "destination"
* both must be "_16_c_save"ed, "_16_i_save"ed, or "_16_p_save"ed images
* make sure "destination" has been been allocated sufficient memory */
void _16_move(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy,
int id, imagedata *oldgraph, imagedata *graph[]);
/* "oldgraph", at "oldx","oldy", is moved
* the new image "image" becomes located at "newx","newy"
* if "oldx" = MCUR, mouse cursor abscissa is used
= MEM, "oldgraph.x" is used
* if "oldy" = MCUR, mouse cursor ordinate is used
= MEM, "oldgraph.y" is used
* if "newx" = MCUR, mouse cursor abscissa is used
= MEM, "graph.x" is used
* if "newy" = MCUR, mouse cursor ordinate is used
= MEM, "graph.y" is used
* "segment" determines memory location of background image
* "id" is a unique number indexing
* "memoryidentity" that identifies graphic (it is a constant)
* "segment" determines memory location of background image
* two global arrays required: "memoryidentity" and "memoryaddress"
unsigned int memoryidentity[MAXGRAPHICS];
void *memoryaddress[MAXGRAPHICS];
"memoryidentity" is a unique graphic number for each separate image
"memoryadddress" is an array of video memory offsets for each image
* this procedure will animate "_16_c_save"ed images */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ---------- VGA 640x480x16 COMPRESS IMAGE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------- */
/* use all of these routines only with images saved by "_16_c_save" */
void _16_c_move(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy,
imagedata *oldgraph, imagedata *graph, imagedata *segment[]);
/* "oldgraph", at "oldx","oldy", is moved
* the new image "image" becomes located at "newx","newy"
* if "oldx" = MCUR, mouse cursor abscissa is used
= MEM, "oldgraph.x" is used
* if "oldy" = MCUR, mouse cursor ordinate is used
= MEM, "oldgraph.y" is used
* if "newx" = MCUR, mouse cursor abscissa is used
= MEM, "graph.x" is used
* if "newy" = MCUR, mouse cursor ordinate is used
= MEM, "graph.y" is used
* "segment" determines memory location of background image */
unsigned int _16_c_need_scrn(int left, int top, int length, int height);
/* RETURNS: memory requirement of image with top-left corner at
"left","top" and x-length "length" and y-height "height" */
unsigned int _16_c_need_wrst(int length, int height);
/* RETURNS: worst-case memory requirement of theoretical image with
x-length "length" and y-height "height"
* use only with "_16_c_save" */
int _16_c_percent(imagedata *image);
/* RETURNS: how much percent smaller (or larger) a "_16_c_save"ed image is,
compared to an uncompressed "_16_p_save"ed image (relative to 100)
* a return value of 40 means 60% smaller whereas 125 means 25% larger */
int _16_c_read_off(imagedata *image, int offset);
/* RETURNS: color of pixel "offset" (starts at 0) of image "image" */
int _16_c_read_xy(imagedata *image, int x, int y);
/* RETURNS: color of pixel at "x","y" of image "image" */
void _16_c_save(int left, int top, int length, int height,
int transparency_color, imagedata *image, unsigned int size, int how);
/* stores screen location with top-left corner at "left","top",
x-length "length", y-height "height", and transparency color
"transparency_color" into image "image"
* if byte size "size" is 0, it will be calculated automatically
* "how" determines if image will be saved relative to current
scroll or not: TRUE - image is saved relative to current scroll
FALSE - image is saved relative to A000:0000 */
void _16_c_show(int x, int y, imagedata *image, byte how);
/* writes image "image" at "x","y"
* if "x" = -1, "imagedata.x" is used for abscissa and "imagedata.y"
is used for ordinate
* bit "imagedata.how" determines if image is shown relative to
screen (TRUE) or relative to A000:0000 (FALSE)
* "how" determines how image is drawn: COPY_IMAGE - draws image
AND_IMAGE - ANDs image
OR_IMAGE - ORs image
XOR_IMAGE - XORs image */
void _16_i_to_c(imagedata *destination_c, imagedata *source_i);
/* converts "_16_i_save"ed image "source_i"
into "_16_c_save"ed image "destination_c" */
void _16_p_to_c(imagedata *destination_c, imagedata *source_p);
/* converts "_16_p_save"ed image "source_p"
into "_16_c_save"ed image "destination_c" */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ----------- VGA 640x480x16 PIXEL IMAGE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------- */
/* use all of these routines only with images saved by "_16_p_save" */
void _16_c_to_p(imagedata *destination_p, imagedata *source_c);
/* converts "_16_c_save"ed image "source_c"
into "_16_p_save"ed image "destination_p" */
void _16_i_to_p(imagedata *destination_p, imagedata *source_i);
/* converts "_16_i_save"ed image "source_i"
into "_16_p_save"ed image "destination_p" */
void _16_p_move(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy,
imagedata *oldgraph, imagedata *graph, imagedata *segment[]);
/* "oldgraph", at "oldx","oldy", is moved
* the new image "image" becomes located at "newx","newy"
* if "oldx" = MCUR, mouse cursor abscissa is used
= MEM, "oldgraph.x" is used
* if "oldy" = MCUR, mouse cursor ordinate is used
= MEM, "oldgraph.y" is used
* if "newx" = MCUR, mouse cursor abscissa is used
= MEM, "graph.x" is used
* if "newy" = MCUR, mouse cursor ordinate is used
= MEM, "graph.y" is used
* "segment" determines memory location of background image */
unsigned int _16_p_need(int length, int height);
/* RETURNS: memory requirement of a
"_16_p_save"ed image of x-length "length and y-height "height" */
int _16_p_read_off(imagedata *image, int offset);
/* RETURNS: color of pixel "offset" (starts at 0) of image "image" */
int _16_p_read_xy(imagedata *image, int x, int y);
/* RETURNS: color of pixel at "x","y" of image "image" */
void _16_p_save(int left, int top, int length, int height,
int transparencycolor, imagedata *image, unsigned int size, int how);
/* stores screen location with top-left corner at "left","top",
x-length "length", y-height "height", and transparency color
"transparency_color" into image "image"
* if byte size "size" is 0, it will be calculated automatically
* "how" determines if image will be saved relative to current
scroll or not: TRUE - image is saved relative to current scroll
FALSE - image is saved relative to A000:0000 */
void _16_p_show(int x, int y, imagedata *image, byte how);
/* writes image "image" at "x","y"
* if "x" = -1, "imagedata.x" is used for abscissa and "imagedata.y"
is used for ordinate
* bit "imagedata.how" determines if image is shown relative to
screen (TRUE) or relative to A000:0000 (FALSE)
* "how" determines how image is drawn: COPY_IMAGE - draws image
AND_IMAGE - ANDs image
OR_IMAGE - ORs image
XOR_IMAGE - XORs image */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ----------- VGA 640x480x16 PLANE IMAGE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------- */
/* use all of these routines only with images saved by "_16_i_save" */
void _16_c_to_i(imagedata *destination_i, imagedata *source_c);
/* converts "_16_c_save"ed image "source_c"
into "_16_i_save"ed image "destination_i" */
void _16_i_move(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy,
imagedata *oldgraph[], imagedata *graph[], imagedata *segment[]);
void _16_i_move_rect(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy,
imagedata *oldgraph[], imagedata *graph[], imagedata *segment[]);
/* use "_16_i_move_rect" to move rectangular graphics only
* "oldgraph", at "oldx","oldy", is moved
* "oldgraph[0]" is the full-color graphic and "oldgraph[1]" is the full-
black version of the graphic
* the new image "image" becomes located at "newx","newy"
* "graph[0]" is the full-color graphic and "graph[1]" is the
full-black version of the graphic
* if "oldx" = MCUR, mouse cursor abscissa is used
= MEM, "oldgraph.x" is used
* if "oldy" = MCUR, mouse cursor ordinate is used
= MEM, "oldgraph.y" is used
* if "newx" = MCUR, mouse cursor abscissa is used
= MEM, "graph.x" is used
* if "newy" = MCUR, mouse cursor ordinate is used
= MEM, "graph.y" is used
* "segment" determines memory location of background image */
unsigned int _16_i_need(int length, int height);
/* RETURNS: memory requirement of a
"_16_i_save"ed image of x-length "length and y-height "height" */
int _16_i_read_off(imagedata *image, int offset);
/* RETURNS: color of pixel "offset" (starts at 0) of image "image" */
int _16_i_read_xy(imagedata *image, int x, int y);
/* RETURNS: color of pixel at "x","y" of image "image" */
void _16_i_save(int left, int top, int length, int height,
imagedata *image, unsigned int size, int how);
/* stores screen location with top-left corner at "left","top",
x-length "length", and y-height "height" into image "image"
* if byte size "size" is 0, it will be calculated automatically
* "how" determines if image will be saved relative to current
scroll or not: TRUE - image is saved relative to current scroll
FALSE - image is saved relative to A000:0000 */
void _16_i_show(int x, int y, imagedata *image, byte how);
/* writes image "image" at "x","y"
* if "x" = -1, "imagedata.x" is used for abscissa and "imagedata.y"
is used for ordinate
* "how" determines how image is drawn: COPY_IMAGE - draws image
AND_IMAGE - ANDs image
OR_IMAGE - ORs image
XOR_IMAGE - XORs image
* bit "imagedata.how" determines if image is shown relative to
screen (TRUE) or relative to A000:0000 (FALSE) */
void _16_p_to_i(imagedata *destination_i, imagedata *source_p);
/* converts "_16_p_save"ed image "source_p"
into "_16_i_save"ed image "destination_i" */
void _16_restore_bg(int left, int top,
int length, int height, imagedata *segment[]);
/* restores region of background with top-left
corner at "left","top", x-length "length" and y-height "height"
* background is stored in segment "segment"
* bit "imagedata.how" determines if image is shown relative to
screen (TRUE) or relative to A000:0000 (FALSE) */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ----------------- VGA 320x200x256 FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------- */
void _256_floodall(int color, int scroll);
/* floods a screen-size with color "color
* "scroll" determines relative to what flood will occur:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000 */
void _256_pixel(int x, int y, int color, int scroll);
/* changes pixel at "x","y" to "color"
* "scroll" determines relative to what pixel will be set:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */